- tonic;keynote

[keynote;tonic] 调式中的核心音。当调式中的几个音排列成音阶时,第一个音即为主音
Relating to or being the keynote of a major or minor scale .
The Theory & the Practice on the Lateral Synthesis of the Same Keynote in Chinese Pentatonic Modes
A former art student fronted the band .
After analyzing the MIDI file format , proposed the method of determining the main track , and extracted melodic contour from the MIDI music file . 2 .
Both are a monotone sound with the principal frequency at about 5000 Hz as the dominant tone , but the amplitudes of principal frequencies in the CP-call are 10.5 dB in average higher than those in the SP-call .
In the MSR , the MHSCs inherit mainly the charaters in the female parent , but the RP of MPF at 4050 Hz in the male parent developed into its sub-dominant tone .
I took charge in rhythm guitar and backing , tearguitar took charge in lead guitar , but we 're both singing together .
Either of the two main stops on a pipe organ .
A tonic syllables carries the main stress in a word .
I love alternative rock and bands with a female vocalist .
Tonic , mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad .
In tonal music it is next in importance to the tonic .
The tonic is carried inside the listener 's head .
The dominant in a given key or tonality .
The tonic pitch is played as a drone that runs throughout the performance .
These days he 's playing lead guitar for a Tokyo-based band named Peace Pill .
GB : So what did you feel like when you were asked to join as the lead guitarist ?
In Korea , it will be difficult and slow for someone who is a backup vocal becoming a main singer .
WH started singing as a backup vocal for many groups in the club and was able to be a main singer .
You both play the guitar and singing , what 's your each role ? Heard you take charge of lead guitar .
( music ) having tonality ; i.e. tones and chords organized in relation to one tone such as a keynote or tonic .
Designating a cadence or chord progression from the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music .
In fact , it was harrison 's lead guitar that transformed the ensemble into a bona fide rock @ n @ roll band .
Brian May , lead guitarist from rock band Queen who has just completed a doctorate in astrophysics , was named as the next chancellor to Liverpool John Moores University .
In 2009 , Kix and Dunn announced they were going their separate ways after performing a farewell tour in 2010 . Kix played lead guitar and sang harmony vocals in Kix & Dunn .
The setup most frequently used in death metal is two electric guitars , a bass guitar , a vocalist and a drum kit almost universally using two bass drums or a double bass drum pedal .
A tonal system consisting of seven tones in fixed relationship to a tonic , having a characteristic key signature and being since the Renaissance the structural foundation of the bulk of Western music ; tonality .
If you play in5th position on a key of " C " harmonica you will now be in the key of " E "( actually it would be more accurately called " E minor ") .
Looking back the history , The increase of Japanese direct investment in China between 1979 and 2001 is always the sparkle which can not be neglected and main melody in the China - Japan economic interflow .
Ok , this is , Microphone , Ok , this is , yes , dancing , This is , yes , Xylophone , Guitar , lead rock and roll , lead guitar , strumming , what ?