
zhòng shǔ
  • heatstroke;calenture;siriasis;calentura
中暑 [zhòng shǔ]
  • [heatstroke] 俗称发痧,古称中暍。以出汗停止因而身体排热不足、体温极高、脉搏迅速、皮肤干热、肌肉松软、虚脱及昏迷为特征的一种病症,由于暴露于高温环境过久而引起身体体温调节机制的障碍所致

中暑[zhòng shǔ]
  1. 中暑后,HS组血压、心率高于SC组,而肛温却明显低于SC组。

    MAP and HR were higher , but Tr was lower in HS group after heatstroke .

  2. 目的探讨中暑内毒素血症时,青蒿琥酯对内毒素信号通路中CD14表达的影响。

    Objective To discuss the effects of artesunate on CD14 expression in LPS signal transduction pathway while heatstroke endotoxemia .

  3. 我严重中暑,又饿又累。

    I was suffering from acute sunstroke , starvation and exhaustion .

  4. 在炎热的阳光底下工作很容易引起中暑。

    One who works under the hot sun is liable to sunstroke .

  5. 可能是心理中暑了吧。

    He might have a heart 's heat stroke .

  6. 中暑同样令人担忧。

    Heat illness is also a concern .

  7. 应均衡饮食,保障充足饮水,以预防损伤和中暑。

    Eat a well-balanced diet and be sure to stay well-hydrated to prevent injury and heat illness .

  8. 记住,在得州,特别是全日照和高湿度地区,跑者尤其容易中暑。

    Remember that in Texas , especially in full sun or in humid regions of the state , you 're particularly prone5 to heat stroke .

  9. 在炎热的夏季,大约有10%的人会出现情绪和行为的异常,即“心理中暑”。

    In hot summer , approximately 10 % of people would appear abnormal in their mood and behavior , which is heart 's heat stroke . Example :

  10. 在得克萨斯州,阳光强烈(同时海边湿度高),越野跑还有脱水、晒伤和中暑的风险。

    In Texas , with our strong sun ( and on the coast , high humidity ) , there 's the additional risk of dehydration16 , sunburn and heat stroke .

  11. “心理中暑”指的就是你在夏天容易脾气暴躁、难以平静的心理状态。

    Heart 's heat stroke is the condition where you are prone1 to heat stroke in summertime – not physically2 , but psychologically , in the form of short temper and difficulty in staying calm .

  12. 中国林蛙蝌蚪对水环境pH的适应性ph.1.轻度中暑

    The Adaptability of Tadpoles in Chinese Forest Frog in Aquatic Environment with Different PH

  13. a.闷热的,热得难受的,中暑的他们走下山来,寒冷稀薄的空气逐渐为酷热所取代。

    The cold thin air of the mountains yielded to sweltering heat as they decended .

  14. 中暑后,相对于SC组,HS组表现出更高的血压、心率值,而肛温却明显下降,大脑皮层、心肌、血清中MDA、NO的含量亦显著降低。

    Compared with SC group , MAP , HR were higher , but Tr and MDA , NO in cerebral cortex , myocardium and serum was lower in HS group .

  15. BrightAngelTrail的海拔为4380英尺,沿途酷热难耐,极容易导致脱水和中暑,每年都有约250起的救援行动。

    It 's 4380 feet in altitude and can get scorching hot . This combination can easily lead do severe dehydration and heat exhaustion , and there are about 250 rescue operations a year .

  16. 结论HSP70水平的下降和HSP70抗体的出现在中暑发生过程中具有一定的作用。

    Conclusion The decrease of the HSP70 level and the appearance of HSP70 antibody might play important role in the process of heat illness .

  17. 目的探讨热休克反应(HSR)对大鼠中暑休克的影响及其意义。

    Objective To study the effects and significance of heat shock response ( HSR ) on heat stroke ( HS ) .

  18. 重症中暑合并肝功能损害者占31·9%,合并中枢神经功能损害者占14·9%,合并多器官功能衰竭(MOF)者占21·3%;

    The incidence of severe heatstroke combined with liver dysfunction was 31.9 % , with central nervous impairment was 14.9 % , and with MOF was 21.3 % .

  19. 结论姜酚通过缓解中暑对肝脏的损伤,提高中暑内毒素血症模型小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞能量代谢水平,增强其吞噬能力,增加血浆SOD活性,减少MDA生成,对小鼠有保护作用。

    Conclusion Gingerol could raise the energy metabolic level of celio-macrophage to enhance its phagocytic ability , increase the activity of SOD and reduce the production of MDA in mouse with heatstroke endotoxemia , so as to alleviate the liver damage .

  20. 此部分分为两个实验:1.预热应激(42℃,15min)对大鼠中暑休克的保护作用。

    This part included two experiments : 1 . Protective effects of heat stress preconditioning ( 42C , 15min ) on heatstroke in rats .

  21. 高温环境5km武装越野重症中暑致多器官损害(附11例救治报告)

    Severe heat illness induces to multiple organ failure during a cross-country armed-exercises for five kilometres in the heat environment ( added 11 patients ' report )

  22. ET判定依据为:肛温升高2℃、心率达180b·min-1并持续5min、有中暑先兆症状,或难以坚持试验。

    ET was determined when rectal temperature raised 2 ℃, heart rate reached to 180 b / min for 5 min , or prodromal symptoms of heat illness appeared , or the subjects could not endure to the end of the test .

  23. 目的分析中暑与对照士兵外周血淋巴细胞热应激蛋白71(HSP71)基础和诱导性水平的差异,探讨中暑发生的分子机制。

    Objective To analyse the basal and inducible levels of heat stress protein 71 ( HSP71 ) in peripheral blood lymphocytes in heat illness and control soldiers , and to explore the mechanism of heat illness .

  24. 南京市重症中暑发病与气象因素的关系

    The Relationship between Severe Heat Stroke and Meteorological Factors in Nanjing

  25. 几个军校学生阅兵时中暑晕倒了。

    Several cadets keeled over from the heat during the parade .

  26. 一位老人38岁的儿子因中暑而丧命。

    One elderly man lost his 38-year-old son to heat stroke .

  27. 夏天在室外工作头晕恶心是中暑的表现吗?

    Is summer outdoor is working dizziness disgusting be sweltering expression ?

  28. 极度炎热、潮湿或者以流汗、中暑为特点。

    Excessively hot and humid or marked by sweating and faintness .

  29. 我突然感到头晕眼花,可能是中暑了。

    I suddenly felt dizzy . I must have suffered sunstroke .

  30. 十个人因中暑被送进医院。

    Ten people were taken to the hospital suffering from heatstroke .