
  • 网络Commandant of the Central Army
  1. QC小组吸纳农民工中领军人员参与,可以有效激发整个群体做好作业工作和提高作业技能。

    QC team to absorb migrant workers involved in the leader , can effectively stimulate the whole group do a good job operations and to increase job skills .

  2. 论文的第三部分归纳出于坚诗歌的几项日常化追求,这是解构后的重建,是作为第三代诗人中领军者的于坚对前辈诗人的一种反拨。

    The third part sums up some daily pursuance , who on so a kind of reconstruction after deconstruction positively construct their own battlefield of poems and songs with the indomitable bravery on the base of the former ruins .

  3. 而基于DSP的电机控制系统也将逐渐建立其在控制中的领军地位。商业巨头如何保住领军地位?

    The control system based on DSP is the popular type in the control field . How Do Business Magnates Keep Their Leading Position ?

  4. 自第一次世界大战时起,FWS已经成为了警报器生产行业中的领军人物。

    Since World War I , FWS has been the leading manufacturer of warning sirens .

  5. 美食达人凯特正是最近流行的自己动手中的领军人物。

    Food blogger Kate is leading the latest wave of sweetie DIY .

  6. 鲁迅是中国现代文学史中的领军人物和灵魂人物。

    Lu xun is the leader in the history of Chinese modern literature and soul .

  7. 第三个标准是,一个品牌是否能成为同类产品中的领军者。

    The third criterion is whether a brand acts like a leader in its category .

  8. 美国电话电报公司和德国电信公司曾试图赶超维德森无线公司,这一在市场中处于领军地位的手机运营商。

    AT & T and T-Mobile were trying to get ahead of Verizon Wireless , the market leader in the cellphone carrier business .

  9. 弗雷德里克道格拉斯成功来到纽约市获得了自由,他成了废奴运动中的领军人物。

    Frederick Douglass makes it to New York City & and freedom , and becomes a leading figure in the anti slavery movement .

  10. 弗雷德里克·道格拉斯成功来到纽约市获得了自由,他成了废奴运动中的领军人物。他成了废奴运动中的领军人物。

    Frederick Douglass makes it to New York City -- and freedom , and becomes a leading figure in the anti slavery movement .

  11. 经济全球化的进程还没有结束,未来中国将继续在全球化进程中保持领军地位。

    Process of economic globalization is not over ; in the future China will continue to maintain a leadership position in the globalization process .

  12. 国家高新区“二次创业”肩负使国家高新区在建设创新型国家中成为领军者的历史使命。

    The second development of national hi-tech zone shoulder the historical mission to make the national hi-tech zone be a pioneer in the process of building a country of a innovative type .

  13. 化工行业是我国的基础产业,但同时也是重污染行业,对环境影响巨大,中石化作为石化行业中的领军企业,其环境会计信息披露的具体现状不断得到利益相关者的关注。

    The chemical industry is basic industry of our country , but at the same time is also a heavy pollution industry , which has had a huge impact on the environment .

  14. 约翰·帕特里克作为康奈尔鸟类学实验室的一把手同时那次搜寻啄木鸟行动中的领军人物之一,认为该种鸟类非常可能已经消失殆尽。

    John Fitzpatrick , director of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and one of the leading figures in the search for the woodpecker , agrees there is a high probability that the bird is gone .

  15. 而作为消费人群中的领军人物城市中产阶层对体育旅游采取的消费行为,对我国体育旅游未来的发展具有积极的推动和引领作用。

    The middle class , as the leader in consumer groups , takes sports tourism consumption behavior , which has played positive lead and promote role in the future development of sports tourism . But now the current consumption situation is not totally as well as we desired .

  16. 在跟随整个半导体行业发展的过程中,业界领军的各大FPGA公司不断获得发展动力,而中小公司或者联合起来,或者寻求专用领域进行开发。

    In keeping with the entire semiconductor segment , the industry – leading FPGA companies are gaining momentum , while the smaller players consolidate or seek out specific niches .

  17. 核心城市群在现代市场经济中居于主导和领军地位。

    Core city group plays a leading role in modern market economy .

  18. 而风能是目前发展较为成熟的一种新型能源,已经逐渐在新能源产业中起到了领军作用。

    The wind is a new energy that more developed , which has been a leading renewable energy .

  19. 本文主要论述了在公路工程施工中压实对公路路基路面具有十分重大的意义。超薄路面的流行,让串联式高频振动压路机成为道路压路机械中的领军设备。

    Road compaction is important for road base and surface in road construction . The popular super-thin pavement has made tandem high-frequency rollers become the market leader in road compaction equipment .