
  1. 郭沫若《中国古代社会研究》在《诗经》学史上的意义

    On the Meaning of Guo Mo-ruo 's Study on Ancient Chinese Society in History of Study on Book of Songs

  2. 郭沫若的《中国古代社会研究》是最早以唯物史观为指导进行《诗经》研究的学术著作。

    Study on Ancient Chinese Society is the first composition of Book of Songs guided by historical materialism , which cause studies on Book of Songs a new level by using novel theory and means .

  3. 对中国古代社会史研究中几个问题的思考

    Reflections on several issues in the research on ancient Chinese social history

  4. 基于救助的社会保障体系&中国古代社会保障体系研究论纲

    Relief-based Social Insuring System : a Research Outline of the Ancient Chinese Social Insuring System

  5. 可为中国古代建筑社会学的研究提供参考。

    This will provide references for study of China 's ancient architecture .