
  • 网络mesoscale eddy;mesovortex
  1. 中尺度涡旋和海洋锋面引起声速剖面的水平非均匀性变化,并进一步引起会聚区结构特性的改变和表面声道效应的出现或者消失。

    The range-dependent variation of sound velocity resulted by mesoscale eddy and oceanfront can cause the changing of convergence zone structure and the emergence or disappearance of surface duct .

  2. 中尺度涡旋是一种大的相干旋转水体,在水平平面上具有封闭的结构特征,直径在几十到上百公里量级。

    Mesoscale eddy is a kind of coherently rotating water mass . It has the ' closure ' structure in horizontal plane . The size of mesoscale eddy has the order of tens to hundreds kilometers in diameter .

  3. 梅雨锋暴雨的Doppler雷达观测研究:边界层中尺度涡旋系统

    A study of rain gushin the Mei Yu front with Doppler radar observations : mesoscale vortex system in the boundary layer

  4. 两种类型中尺度涡旋Rossby波的相速度及其物理机制

    Phase speeds of two kinds of meso-scale vortex Rossby wave and their physical mechanisms

  5. 这些中尺度涡旋现象在同期的TOPEX卫星遥感海面高度异常(SSHA)分布中得到了准确的印证,并在诊断得到的地转流场中对应了一系列瞬变的中尺度涡旋活动。

    These mesoscale phenomena can be confirmed precisely in the distribution of sea surface height anomaly and are correspondent to a series of activities of mesoscale eddies in the derived geostrophic current field .

  6. 中尺度涡旋和台风涡旋相互作用的数值研究

    Numerical Study on the Interaction between Mesoscale Vortex and Typhoon Vortex

  7. 方法创新:基于核方法的海洋中尺度涡旋识别算法研究。

    Procedure Innovation : Kernel method based marine mesoscale eddies recognition .

  8. 青岛&石岛近海反气旋中尺度涡旋存在证据及数值模拟

    Existential proof and numerical study of a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy in the Qingdao-Shidao offshore

  9. 梅雨锋致洪暴雨的β中尺度涡旋机理的分析

    Mechanism Study of Meso - β Scale Vortex System of Heavy Rain in Meiyu Front

  10. 梅雨锋上中尺度涡旋与高低层流型演变的关系

    Relationship between Mesoscale Vortex in the Mei-Yu Front and Evolution of the High and Low Level Flow Pattern

  11. 93.5黑风暴期间中尺度涡旋发生发展的涡源诊断

    Diagnosis of Vorticity Source for the Genesis and Development of Mesoscale Vortex during " 93.5 " Black Storm

  12. 中尺度涡旋形成于低空急流左侧强正涡度中心附近。

    The mesoscale vortex formed near the strong vorticity center on the left side of the lower-troposphere jet .

  13. 作者讨论了里查森数对α中尺度涡旋波不稳定的影响。

    The influences of Richardson number Ri on the instability of meso - α scale vortex wave is discussed .

  14. 高原东侧陡峭地形对一次盆地中尺度涡旋及暴雨的数值试验

    Simulation of Impact of Steep Terrain on East Side of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on Mesoscale Vortex and Rain Storm over the Basin

  15. 结果表明:α中尺度涡旋波的失稳与里查森数有很大关系;

    The results are as follows . There is close relationship between Ri and the destabilization of meso-a scale vortex wave .

  16. 1998年夏季南海上层环流与中尺度涡旋观测研究

    Observation and study of the circulation and meso-scale eddies in the upper layer of the South China Sea in the summer of 1998

  17. 用辐散风动能转换函数诊断分析了暴雨不同时期β中尺度涡旋系统发展的能量来源,得出能量转换与涡散场相互作用的物理图像。

    The energy source for the development of meso - β scale vortex system in the different periods is diagnosed by divergent wind kinetic function .

  18. 并运用模式输出的高分辨率资料对引起此次特大暴雨的β中尺度涡旋系统的结构作了诊断分析。

    Based on the high resolution output data , the diagnostic analysis is conducted to disclose the structure of meso β scale vortex system in three different periods .

  19. 与此同时,在雨带的北区,γ中尺度涡旋活动比较频繁,但基本上是局地生消;

    At the same time , It showed that the meso - γ - scale vortices occurred frequently in the north part of the rain band which dissipated quickly in the local area .

  20. 在弱稳定层结下,更有利于出现α中尺度涡旋波的不稳定,而大的风切变仅有利于该不稳定增长率的增大。

    The condition of weak stable stratification is advantageous to instability of meso-a scale vortex wave , but the augment of wind shear is only advantageous to the increase of the unstable growth rate .

  21. 中低层中尺度涡旋的形成会导致尺度更小的强冷暖平流的出现,从而进一步激励中尺度系统自身的斜压发展;

    The outgrowth of the mesoscale vortexes at low and middle levels could lead to the appearance of smaller scale strong cold and warm advection , which excites the baroclinic development of the mesoscale systems themselves .

  22. 诊断分析表明,高空低槽产生的冷锋云系发展东移是产生此次暴雨天气过程的主要大尺度天气系统,由高空槽诱发产生的中尺度涡旋是产生此次暴雨天气的主要中尺度系统。

    The diagnostic analysis results show that the moving cold-front cloud system produced by a high-level trough is the main synoptic system of this rainstorm , and a meso-vortex produced by the trough is the main mesoscale system .

  23. 中尺度对流涡旋(MesoscaleConvectiveVortex,简称MCV)是近30年来中尺度气象学研究的一个热点。

    Mesoscale Convective Vortex ( MCV ) is a heat topic in mesoscale meteorology of recent thirty years .

  24. 通过对宝石晶体中微尺度涡旋位错的表征和示踪,初步证实涡旋位错是某些宝石矿物晶体又一重要的生长机制。

    The research indicates that microscale vortex dislocation is another important growth mechanism of some gem crystals .

  25. 本文研究日地空间中大尺度涡旋波的特征。

    In this paper , we study the characteristics of the large-scale spiral waves in the solar-terrestrial space .

  26. 还对直接造成武汉特大暴雨的强对流云团、β中尺度强涡旋系统的部分动力和热力结构进行了分析。

    The dynamic and thermodynamic structure of the convective clouds and the strong vortexes , which resulted directly in the heavy rain , are also analyzed in the paper .

  27. 用一个带有地形项的f平面准地转正压涡度方程,实施5组积分时间长度为72h的试验,研究了中尺度地形对涡旋自组织的影响。

    In order to investigate the effect of meso-scale topography on vortex self-organization , five numerical experiments , whose integral time is 72 hours , are performed using a f-plane quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model with a topographic term .

  28. 冬季东中国海环流中的中尺度涡旋数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the meso-scale eddy in the East China Sea in winter

  29. 日地空间中的大尺度涡旋波

    Large Scale Spiral Waves in the Solar Terrestrial Space

  30. 两个β中尺度气旋性涡旋合并的数值研究

    A Numerical Study on the Merging Process of Two Meso - β Scale Cyclonic Vortices