- 名Academician of CAS

The Studying - abroad Students and the Group of Academicians of CAS
More than three people is the academician of the Chinese Academy of Science .
A Quantitative Research on Status of Academicians of CAS ; geological institutes of Academia Sinica
In 1957 , he was elected as an academician of the China Academy of Sciences .
Zhao Zhongxian , an academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences , has spent four decades researching superconductors .
Wu Wenjun ( 1919 ~ ) is a Chinese mathematician and academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences .
Zhang , a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , is an expert on chemical laser and molecular dynamics .
In2001 , Professor yam was the youngest scientist to be elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences at the age of38 .
YANG Shu zi , academician of China Academy of Sciences , said , Higher quality is the direction and amplifier of knowledge and ability .
Cultivate one of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Fudan University has50 people , ranking second in National Higher Education , second only to Peking University .
He is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences , the American Academy of Arts and Sciences , and the Chinese Academy of Sciences .
From 1950 to 1984 he was director of Purple Mountain Observatory , and from 1955 on he was a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences .
Lin liwu , an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a national model worker , has won11 prizes of the national , provincial and ministerial levels .
Yuan Hanqing is a well-known chemist , historian of chemistry and academician of CAS in China , as well as an outstanding organizer and leader of China 's modern science undertakings .
That 's why it was inspiring when Zhang Miman , 82 , a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences , was given a L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science award on March 22 .
It has more than 13 000 staff members , including 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , 9 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering , 610 doctoral supervisors , 1 025 professors and 1 387 associate professors .
Among its 8 400 staff members and workers , there are 13 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , 9 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , over 1 100 full professors and over 2 400 associate professors .
The university now has 3 400 full-time faculty members , including 2 100 full and associate professors , 4 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences , 8 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering , 3 academicians of the Eurasian Academy of Sciences , 8 senior professors of Humanities and Social Sciences and 4 top scientists of " Project 973 "
Ma Zong jin , an academician of Academia Sinica , divided the most active tectonics in the world into circum Pacific , ocean ridge and north continental three first order tectonic systems according to global seismic distribution .
The Chinese Academy of Sciences recently organized academicians and specialists to study medium-term and long-term energy sources development strategy in China .
The paper makes a statistical analysis of the state of the academicians in the Technology Division of China Academy of Science who used to study abroad .
Bei Shizhang , a renowned biologist and educator and founder of China 's biophysics , died Thursday morning at the age of107 , according to a statement from the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) Saturday .
Hua Luogeng ( 1910-1985 ) was a famous Chinese mathematician , and an academician of China Academy of Sciences .
Pan jiluan is a Chinese famous welding expert and educator , national academician , the originator of Chinese modern welding theory .
Hou Xianglin , member of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering , is a well-known expert in petroleum processing .
China Agricultural University has 2 737 fulltime teachers , including 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of icngineering Sciences , 286 full professors , 504 associate professors , 13 special professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program "
The Second Pioneering of Oil Gas Exploration in China Interviewing Academician LIU Guang-ding from CSA