
  • 网络individual mind;personality;personal psychology
  1. 这是由于他们所处于不同的时代和作家个性心理的不同而致。

    This is because they lived in different period and have different personality .

  2. 孙犁个性心理及其文学创作的独特性很大程度上源于其童年时代的家庭生活经验。

    Sun Li 's personality and his peculiarity in his literary creation stem from his family life experience in his childhood .

  3. 优秀组儿童在学习中比不良组儿童具有较强的非智力个性心理因素(P<0.05)。

    Children in group one possessed stronger personal non-intelligence psychologic factor in their learning than those in group two ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  4. 个性心理对亨利·詹姆斯及其作品的影响

    Personality Psychology 's Influences on Henry · James and His Works

  5. 民航飞行员的个性心理特征研究

    A study of personality characteristics in pilots in the civil aviation

  6. 从个性心理特征论高校科技管理人员的选拔

    The Selection of Administrative Personnel of Science and Technology in Universities

  7. 大学生阅读个性心理特征分析

    Analysis on the Individual Psychological Characteristics of University Students in Reading

  8. 士兵个性心理模糊综合评判系统

    The Fuzzy Synthetic Decision System of the Soldier 's Character Psychology

  9. 7名体操世界冠军个性心理特征的形成,与他们所从事的体操项目密切相关。

    The formation of their personality has close relationship with gymnastics .

  10. 现代体育教学中学生个性心理品质的培养

    On Fostering the Students ' Personality in Modern Sports Teaching

  11. 抑郁症患者个性心理特征的研究

    Characteristics of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in Patients with Depression

  12. 儒家学说的影响更多的是在他的为人处世、个性心理。

    The Confucianism influence appears more in his style , personality psychology .

  13. 支气管哮喘患者个性心理因素探讨

    A Exploration on Personality Characteristics and Psychology in Child with Bronchial Asthma

  14. 太极拳运动员个性心理特征初探

    Initial Exploration on Psychological Characteristics of Personality of Taiji Athletes

  15. 校园体育文化的传播与大学生个性心理构成探析

    The Campus Sports Culture Dissemination and the University Student Individuality Psychology Constitution

  16. 学习能力是顺利完成学习活动的个性心理特征。

    Learning ability is individuality psychological characteristics of learning successfully .

  17. 论留学生个性心理词典的构建

    On the Construction of Foreign Students ' Personal Mental Lexicon

  18. 体育在培养学生个性心理品质中的作用

    The Influence of PE on the Cultivation of Students ' Psychological Quality

  19. 田径运动员个性心理素质的培养

    On cultivation of psychological quality of track & field athletes

  20. 戒毒病人的个性心理特征及护理

    Psychological personality characteristics and nursing care of patients undergoing abstinence from drugs

  21. 创新品质是创新型人才必须具备的个性心理特征。

    The innovating makings are what the innovation-type talents possess .

  22. 浅析大学生个性心理健康教育的新模式

    Analyzing the New Pattern of Psychological Health Education of Undergraduates ' Characters

  23. 鲁迅的个性心理对其散文创作的深层影响

    The Far-reaching Influence of Lu Xun 's Personal Psychology on his Prose Creation

  24. 掌握学生个性心理,做好思想教育工作

    To Deal with Ideological Education of Students with Mastery of Their Individual psychology

  25. 九运会武术套路运动员个性心理特征分析

    Research on Personality of the Excellent Wushu Routine Athletes

  26. 驾驶员的个性心理特征对汽车行驶安全的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Drivers Personal Psychological Characteristic to the Traffic Safety

  27. 短跑和长跑运动员个性心理特征分析

    Analysis of Personal Mental Features of Players for Short-distance Running and Long-distance Running

  28. 关于大学生个性心理品质培养的探讨

    On College Student s ' Individual Mentality Trait Cultivation

  29. 基于模糊综合决策的网上士兵个性心理评估系统

    Network Psychology Valuation System of Soldier 's Character based on Fuzzy Synthetic Decision

  30. 心理治疗对系统性红斑狼疮个性心理特征的影响

    Effect of psychology therapy on personality and psychological characteristic in systemic lupus erythematosus