
  • 网络individual needs;personal need
  1. 另一方面,这些价值强调个人需要有独立的见解,因为独立的见解是人类创造力的源泉。

    On the other side , these values underwrite the personal need for independent understanding which is the source of human creativity .

  2. 剧作家出于个人需要而写,他需要表达世界的某些方面:社会弊病,个人道德,对爱和理解的需求,孤独,诸如此类的东西。

    The dramatist writes out of a personal need to express himself on some facet of his world & on social abuse , personal morality , the need for love and understanding , loneliness , or whatever .

  3. 我们的全部课程都是针对个人需要设计的。

    All our courses are personalized to the needs of the individual .

  4. 选一台适合你个人需要的电脑。

    Choose a computer to suit your particular needs .

  5. 但是,还有一个人需要检讨——那就是那个拿着手机的人。

    But there 's still someone who deserves scrutiny -- the person holding the phone .

  6. 信任后倒Trustfalls一个人需要故意往后倒,相信后面的组员会接住这个人,这么做会增加信任感。

    In a trust fall , a person deliberately , trusting the members of a group to catch them , and in doing so , increasing trust .

  7. 随着Web技术的飞速发展以及电子商务的广泛普及,越来越多的企业和个人需要在互联网上注册自己的域名。

    With the rapid development of Web technology and e-business , more and more enterprises and individual want to register their own domain name .

  8. CMM通过重复使得履行SQA角色的个人需要得到保护这点非常清晰。

    The CMM makes it very clear through repetition that individuals fulfilling the role of SQA need protection .

  9. Firebug定制特性包括黑名单和白名单以及依据个人需要更改字体大小的功能。

    Firebug customization features include blacklists and whitelists , and the ability to change font sizes for personal needs .

  10. 随着一家公司,比如Shapeways,日益壮大,一个人需要学习很多东西。

    As a company like shapeways becomes bigger and bigger , you have to learn a few things .

  11. 这确实是每一个人需要治疗的问题。

    That 's really the question that everybody wants to know .

  12. 杀死一个人需要很多手续。

    There 's a lot of protocol in killing a man .

  13. 一个人需要让她的良心带她走一次。

    One needed to let her conscience take over for once .

  14. 可以根据个人需要选择致动器。

    Actuators could be chosen to suit a person 's needs .

  15. 个人需要制度,也在不断地选择制度。

    Individuals need systems and choose them constantly as well .

  16. 可根据个人需要更改命名空间。

    The namespace can be changed to suit your needs .

  17. 我们所有的课程都可以根据个人需要而开设。

    All our courses can be tailored to the needs of individuals .

  18. 你认为作为团队中的一员,一个人需要具备什么样的品质?

    What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team ?

  19. 在购买国际资产方面,中国企业和个人需要获得更大的自由。

    Chinese companies and individuals need greater freedom to buy international assets .

  20. 这里依据个人需要和经验进行选择。

    Individual needs and experience will dictate your choice here .

  21. 一个人需要隐藏多少秘密,才能巧妙地度过一生。

    How many secrets a person conceals to spend the whole life skilfully ?

  22. 只是一个普通人看到另一个人需要来点三明治。

    Just a guy who sees a guy who might need a sandwich .

  23. 我们将项目中联盟的需要放在个人需要之上。

    We place the needs of the federation of projects above individual ones .

  24. 满足你个人需要的程序。

    A programme to suit your individual needs .

  25. 为了不失业,个人需要接受一些良好技能的教育。

    To avoid being a dislocated worker , one needs a good education with skills .

  26. 个人需要的满足和利益的实现,依赖于人与人之间的利益关系的协调。

    Satisfying individual need and realizing benefit depend on the interest relationship coordination among people .

  27. 未参加基本医疗保险的个人需要自付治疗费用或停靠商业保险。

    Individuals not in the scheme have to pay for their treatments or commercial insurance .

  28. 我们经常听到个人需要为自己的生活负责任。

    One often hears about the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own lives .

  29. 模式必须灵活机动,这样它才能适应个人需要。

    The pattern has to be very liquid so that it can fit with the individual .

  30. 五名高血压患者中很可能就有四个人需要通过联合治疗来控制血压。

    Maybe four out of five hypertensive patients need combination therapy to control their blood pressure .