
ɡè rén cái chǎn
  • personal property;possession;estate;personal belongings
  1. 为了确保候选人可以不迟到、及时的参加考试,CFA协会要求考生坚持个人财产管理政策。

    To ensure candidates are checked in promptly and seated without delay , CFA Institute requires that you adhere to the personal belongings policy .

  2. 我决定卖掉我的汽车,把我的个人财产保存好,并把我的房子租出去。

    I decided that I would sell my car , put my personal belongings in storage and rent my house .

  3. 这份保险单为全部行李和个人财产提供保险。

    The insurance policy covers all baggage and personal effects .

  4. 很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。

    Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans

  5. 据合理猜测,他的个人财产有12.5亿美元。

    An informed guess at his personal wealth was $ 1.25 billion

  6. 随意使用灭火器会给其他居民带来危险,并可能造成个人财产损失。

    Irresponsible use of a fire extinguisher can create a dangerous situation for other residents and could result in damage to personal property .

  7. 第四十二条离婚时,如一方生活困难,另一方应从其住房等个人财产中给予适当帮助。具体办法由双方协议;

    Article 42 If , at the time of divorce , one party has difficulties supporting himself or herself , the other party shall render appropriate help from her or his personal property such as a dwelling .

  8. 自去年诉讼以来,SAC资本已更名为Point72AssetManagement,专门负责管理科恩的个人财产。

    Since devoting itself solely to managing Mr Cohen 's personal fortune , SAC Capital has changed its name to Point72 Asset Management .

  9. 分析了作为学术财产的DNA的特征和作为个人财产的DNA的特征,以及可能的理解和处理准则或标准。

    The article analyses the characteristics of DNA as the academic property as well as the personal property , and possible understanding and management criteria or standards of it .

  10. 学生的个人财产不是ACES的责任,也不是寄宿家庭的责任。

    The student 's personal property is neither the responsibility of ACES nor the Host Family .

  11. 乔丹从他叔叔那里继承了相当大的一笔个人财产。

    Jordan had inherited a considerable personal fortune from his uncle .

  12. 作为债务担保的个人财产保证金。

    A deposit of personal property as security for a debt .

  13. 该组织要求其成员上交个人财产。

    The organization requires members to surrender their property to the group .

  14. 获取个人财产以为公用。

    Depriving an owner of property by taking it for public use .

  15. 她非常重视个人财产。

    She attaches a lot of importance to personal possessions .

  16. 假使是租屋,则须对个人财产作充分的保险。

    If renting , have adequate personal property coverage .

  17. 我们也缺少检查个人财产的理由。

    We lacked probable cause to search personal property .

  18. 管理部门对留在房间的个人财产不负责任。

    The management be not responsible for property leave In the hotel room .

  19. 是的,对于有形损失到个人财产。

    Yes to the PHYSICAL DAMAGE to personal property .

  20. 表格上说保险对象包括所有的个人财产。

    It says on the form that the insurance covers all personal effects .

  21. 一元:尊重个人财产;很少借还物品。

    Mono : Show great respect for private property ; seldom borrow or lend .

  22. 我不会了解她的个人财产状况。

    Her personal finances wouldn 't be something I would have any knowledge about .

  23. 寄托人出于信任把个人财产移交给受托人。

    The delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee .

  24. 他让我感到你是他的个人财产。

    I get the feeling that he looks upon you as his personal property .

  25. 人们在讨论保护个人财产的重要性。

    People are debating the importance of protecting individual assets , even after marriage .

  26. 这个房子是他的个人财产。

    The house is his private property .

  27. 对于个人财产的遗失或损坏,雇主不予负责。

    The owners will not accept liability for loss of or damage to personal property .

  28. 他打算投入更多的个人财产以维持其竞选团队的运作。

    He is willing to spend more of his personal fortune to keepthe campaign going .

  29. 但还存在一些不足之处,本文拟就夫妻个人财产与共同财产相互转化;

    The paper discusses the mutual transformation of the private property and the community property ;

  30. 她的许多个人财产都来自在业绩一直很好的公司里的投资。

    Much of her personal fortune has been made from investments in blue chip companies .