
  • 网络Personal consumer goods;Consumer products;Personal Products
  1. 马克思提出了科学的按劳分配理论,以按劳分配作为社会主义个人消费品分配的基本原则。

    The scientific theory-distribution-according-to-work was put forward by Marx .

  2. 斯大林部分肯定了社会主义商品生产的可能性,但又把它局限在个人消费品的范围。

    Stalin affirmed the commodity economy in part , but he thought it only existed in the consumer goods .

  3. 马克思主义经济理论在当代中国发展的主要内容有:社会主义初级阶段理论、社会主义生产资料所有制理论、社会主义市场经济理论、社会主义个人消费品分配理论。

    Its main contents include theories of primary socialist stage , productive resource ownership , socialist market economy and socialist distribution of personal consumer goods .

  4. 我国是一个社会主义国家,实行的是按劳分配为主体,其它多种分配形式并存的个人消费品分配制度。

    As a socialist country , China mainly implements the system under which distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist .

  5. 生活方式是互联网的另一个主要领域,网上采购项目包括服装、保健品和个人消费品、珠宝首饰及手表、运动鞋及户外鞋、服装附件等。

    Lifestyle was another major area where online purchases included clothes , health and personal goods , jewellery and watches , sports and outdoor shoes , and clothing accessories .

  6. 近年来,LCD显示屏在个人电子消费品中的应用越来越广,随着人们对图像显示效果要求的不断提高,对LCD驱动控制芯片的性能也提出了更高的要求。

    Recent years , LCD panel was used more and more widely in personal electronic products . It is become more and more difficult to design a high performance driver chip , because people want to see higher picture quality .

  7. 不仅如此,苹果公司几乎从来没有涉足于个人电子消费品市场-一个竞争激烈而且极低利润的领域。

    What 's more , Apple had almost no experience in the consumer electronics business , a notoriously competitive and often low-margin industry .

  8. 随着社会信息化,智能化,网络化的发展,嵌入式系统已经在工业控制,个人数码消费品,医疗器械,汽车控制,航空航天中有大量的应用。

    Along with the development of social informatization , artificial intelligence and network , embedded system has a lot of application in industrial control , personal digital consumer products , medical devices , autocontrol , and aviation etc. .

  9. 个人爱好为消费品人铺平转型道路

    Personal passion smooths transition for consumer goods man

  10. 个人劳动具有直接的社会性,用劳动时间衡量每个劳动者的劳动量,并按此分配个人消费品。

    Individual working could be directly socialized , and the amount of individual working should be measured by working time , and by the same criterion should the individual consumable products be distributed .