
  • 网络oriental art;Oriental Art Center;eastern art
  1. 水墨画是东方艺术的典型代表,而目前繁杂的3D水墨动画制作工艺,不利于传统文化的传播,如能利用现有水墨作品,快速制作水墨效果,将打破这一尴尬局面。

    Chinese ink-painting is the typical of Oriental Art , whereas the current complicated technologies for creating 3D Chinese ink-style animation make against the spread of this traditional culture .

  2. BillLondon被誉为英国最富技术的涂鸦艺术家之一。其作品深受建筑学的线条、大胆的色彩、传统的纹身及东方艺术的影响。

    Considered as one of UK 's most skilled graffiti artists , Bill London 's works are influenced by an eclectic mix of architectural line , bold colour , traditional tattoo and oriental art .

  3. 上海东方艺术中心地下室防水施工技术

    Waterproofing techniques used in basement of East Arts Center of Shanghai

  4. 西方一些势利小人毫无理由地看不起东方艺术。

    Some Western snobs expressed contempt for oriental art without reason .

  5. 他将出版一部有关东方艺术的论着。

    He is going to publish a study of Oriental art .

  6. 东方艺术中心复杂深基坑围护施工技术

    Construction Technique for Complicated Deep Foundation Pit Support in Oriental Art Center

  7. 上海东方艺术中心柔性索网体系曲面幕墙安装技术

    Installation of Flexible Cable-Network Curtain Wall in the Shanghai Oriental Art Center

  8. 伊恩是东方艺术的行家。

    Ian is a dab hand at the orient art .

  9. 从上面往下看,上海东方艺术中心像一只蝴蝶。

    The Shanghai Oriental Art Center looks like a butterfly from above .

  10. 上海东方艺术中心风荷载试验

    Wind Tunnel Test on Model of Shanghai Oriental Art Center

  11. 荡出形态之外&对西方现代绘画与东方艺术形态的思考

    Beyond the Shape : Reflection on Western Modern Painting and Oriental Arts Shape

  12. 这座博物馆有许多东方艺术的展览。

    The museum had many exhibits of oriental art .

  13. 上海东方艺术中心电蓄热采暖系统

    Electric heat storage system of Shanghai Oriental Art Center

  14. 东方艺术中心的数字网络音频系统

    Digital Network Audio Frequency System of Oriental Art Center

  15. 上海东方艺术中心&跳跃的音符

    Oriental Art Center of Shang hai & Bouncing Melody

  16. 黑格尔论东方艺术的怪诞

    Hegel 's Discussion on Grotesque of Eastern Art

  17. 上海东方艺术中心交响乐厅室内声场计算机模拟分析

    Acoustical Computer Simulation of the Philharmonic Hall at the Oriental Art Center in Shanghai

  18. 它在很大程度上承担着东方艺术特色载体的功能。

    It is undertaking the East artistic feature carrier function to a great extent .

  19. 现代东方艺术展,东京,日本。

    Modern Oriental Art , Tokyo , Japan .

  20. 东方艺术中心钢结构屋架的抗震设计研究

    Study on the seismic design of the steel truss roof of Oriental Art Center

  21. 陶瓷品,东方艺术的明珠。

    Ceramics , the pearls of oriental art .

  22. 东方艺术中心,怒放的艺术蝴蝶兰

    Oriental Arts Center-Butterfly Orchid in Full Blossom

  23. 东方艺术精神的闪光&序《蒋永志诗选》

    The Shinings Oriental Artistic Spirit & Preface to The Selected Poetry by Jiang Yongzhi ;

  24. 上海东方艺术中心屋盖复杂造型的钢结构施工与管理控制

    Installation and Management Control of Abnormally Profiled Steel Structure Roof in Shanghai Oriental Art Center

  25. 较比西方艺术以理性占据主要地位,东方艺术更为玄远。

    Comparing to the reason-dominant western art , the oriental art is far more profound .

  26. 上海东方艺术中心的建声设计与主客观音质评价

    Architectural acoustic design and subjective and objective acoustics evaluation of the Shanghai Oriental Art Centre

  27. 最先进的电脑特技与最古老的东方艺术完美融合在一起,为您带来超乎想像的视觉冲击。

    The most advanced CG combined with oriental arts will bring you an incredible experience .

  28. 中国画的线是一种富于东方艺术特质的艺术表现形式;

    The line in Chinese painting is a kind of artistic expression with eastern artistic speciality .

  29. 黑格尔论东方艺术

    Hegel on the Eastern Art

  30. 东方艺术中心点支式玻璃幕墙钢架-支撑-索网结构支承体系研究

    Study on the steel frame-brace-cabling structural support system for point-supporting glass curtain wall of Oriental Art Center