
  • 网络Tung Chung;dong chong;chong
  1. 港铁东涌站B出口,乘23线巴士往宝莲禅寺,然后循旅发局路牌指示往茶园,由茶园入口沿远足径步行15分钟即达。

    MTR Tung Chung Station Exit B , take bus no.23 to Po Lin Monastery , follow the HKTB directional sign to Tea Garden , walk through the hiking trail from the entrance of Tea Garden for15 mins .

  2. 南丰集团董事总经理蔡宏兴(DonaldChoi)在拍卖后对记者说,东涌的这块地价格合理。

    Speaking to reporters after the auction , Nan Fung Managing Director Donald Choi said the price for the Tung Chung site was reasonable .

  3. 在决定购买何款巴士前,屿巴先后分别向城巴及九巴借用富豪B6LE及丹尼士飞镖低地台巴士,试行东涌道以作评估。

    NLB had borrowed a Volvo B6LE and Dennis Dart SLF for trial on Tung Chung Road before the ordering of Dart .

  4. 乘客可以换乘东涌线或机场快线。

    Interchange station for the Tung Chung Line and Airport Express .

  5. 这条铁路提供两项服务,即机场快线及东涌线。

    It comprises two services-the Airport Express Line and the Tung Chung Line .

  6. 以往的东涌河水质优良,河水清澈。

    The water quality of the stream used to be excellent and crystal clear .

  7. 东涌一带正不断发展,需留意附近的道路及小径可能会改道。

    Please note that roads and paths in this area may change due to ongoing development .

  8. 东涌线在1998年中开始运作,连接香港与大屿山东涌。

    Tung Chung Line started operation in mid1998 connecting Hong Kong with Tung Chung on Lantau island .

  9. 东涌市中心将会成为新市镇零售、商业及文化活动的核心地带。

    Tung Chung town centre is the retail , commercial and cultural core of the new development .

  10. 在工程期间,东涌道将会实施临时交通措施,以维持双程行车。

    During the construction period , temporary traffic management schemes will be implemented to maintain two-way traffic flow on the road .

  11. 位于东涌的分布点已列为「具特别科学价值地点」。多功率移动锚节点辅助的分布式节点定位方法

    Moreover , the locality at San Tau has been listed as a SSSI . Multi-power level mobile beacon assisted distributed node localization algorithm

  12. 年内,赤角消防局、东涌消防局暨救护站、蓝田救护站已先后投入服务。

    During the year , the Chek Lap Kok Fire Station , Tung Chung Fire Station-cum-Ambulance Depot and Lam Tin Ambulance Depot were commissioned .

  13. 新市镇由两个分别位于东涌及大蚝的市镇发展组成,预期到二零一一年总人口将达32万。

    The two urban development areas , at Tung Chung and Tai Ho , will have a total target population of 320 000 by 2011 .

  14. 期间亦于东九龙区、深水埗区、东涌区和港岛中西区,成立失业支援关怀网络。

    A Support Network for the Unemployed was also set up in East Kowloon , Shamshuipo , Tung Chung and the Central and Western District .

  15. 地理分布:相思湾、东涌、荔枝窝。山东、河北、辽宁沿海。日本、俄罗斯沿海。

    Distribution : Sheung Sze Wan , Tung Chung ( San Tau ), Lai Chi Wo . Shandong , Hebei , Liaoning . Japan , Russia .

  16. 在10个工程项目中,由政府负责的有7个,包括两项填海计划、运输走廊及东涌新市镇。

    The government is responsible for seven of the 10 projects , covering the two land reclamations , the transport corridor and Tung Chung new town .

  17. 政府亦应为其他具高生态价值但被忽略的地区引入规划管制,如东涌河谷及离岸岛屿。

    Planning control should also be applied to other ecologically sensitive areas not in the " Enclaves " list , e.g.Tung Chung River Valley and outlying islands .

  18. 沿大屿山北岸兴建的北大屿山快速公路,把青屿干线、东涌新市镇及新机场连接起来,全长12.5公里。

    The North Lantau Expressway is a12.5-kilometre highway along the northern coast of Lantau , joining the Lantau Link to Tung Chung new town and the new airport .

  19. 香港需要新的交通网络,以接驳迁往赤苍角的机场及促进东涌新市镇的发展。

    The relocation of the airport to Chek Lap Kok and the development of the Tung Chung new town required additional road links between Lantau and the urban areas .

  20. 耗资340亿元的机场铁路,是连接市区和新机场及东涌新市镇的重要运输联系。

    The $ 34 billion Airport Railway is an integral part of the transport links to connect the urban areas with the new airport and the Tung Chung new town .

  21. 途经:达东路、富东街、翔东路、小蚝湾车辆扣留中心、翔东路、富东街、达东路、顺东路、达东路、东涌市中心巴士总站。

    Routing : via Tat Tung Rd , Fu Tung Street , Cheung Tung Rd , access Road at Siu Ho Wan Vehicle detention Pound , Tung Chung Town Centre Bus Terminus .

  22. 张保仔是十九世初满清时期的海盗首领,营寨设于香港东涌,有船舰千只,威胁华南沿海一带。

    Zhang Baozai was the powerful leader of a band of pirates based in Hong Kong , whose fleet of a thousand ships terrorised the coastal regions of southern China during the early19th century .

  23. 东涌是见到深圳第一缕阳光的地方,海岸连成一线,海水蓝而透明,海浪此起彼伏,气势十足。

    Dongchong is a good place to see the first ray of sunshine in Shenzhen , where the coast becomes a line , water is blue and clear , the waves roll one upon another .

  24. 健康空气行动行政总裁邝芯妍说,东涌的污染情况事实上出现了整体改善,某些污染物浓度至多下降了13%。东涌是香港较为偏远的地区,邝芯妍说,这里更多地受到珠江三角洲地区整体空气质量的影响。

    Clean Air Network Chief Executive Officer Sum Kwong says pollution levels in Tung Chung -- an outlying area that she says is influenced more by the overall regional air quality in the Pearl River Delta -- have actually improved across the board , dropping by as much as 13 % for certain types of pollutants .