
  • 网络economic growth model;Economical growth model
  1. 耗竭性资源、RD与内生经济增长模型

    An Endogenous Economic Growth Model with Exhaustible Resources Use and RD

  2. 人力资本增长与新产品开发&一种修正的Romer内生经济增长模型

    Human Capital Growth and New Product Innovation & A Modified Romer Endogenous Economic Growth Model

  3. 用SPSS拟合经济增长模型实例

    Fits the Economical Growth Model with SPSS

  4. 第三部分采用新古典经济增长模型,应用国际上比较先进的面板数据(PANELDATA)模型进行计量分析,估计外国直接投资对东中西部地区经济增长的贡献。

    Part 3 Estimates on the effects of FDI on the economic growth and it 's spillover effect the in the eastern and western regions using Panel data and neo-classic growth model .

  5. 因此,如果我们将人力资本与技术进步之间的紧密联系考虑在内,也就是使用内生经济增长模型来测量人力资本在决定GDP增长方面起了多大的作用,则预期会得到更精确的结果。

    Thus one may expect more precise estimate from the endogenous growth model taking into account the link between growth of technology progress and human capital .

  6. CES经济增长模型中贫困陷阱理论的实证分析

    The Experimental Analysis of the Theory of Poverty Trap in the CES Economic Growth Models

  7. 广义随机Solow经济增长模型

    Generalized stochastic Solow growth model in economy

  8. 本文分析表明,刘易斯二元经济增长模型实际上是一个AK模型,这一点是以几何图示给出的刘易斯模型所无法揭示的。

    In fact , Lewis ' economy growth model is an AK model which has not been disclosed by geometric styled Lewis ' model .

  9. 金融危机冲击下的农民工回流问题研究&基于CES经济增长模型的实证分析家蚕心形眼纹(ces)的遗传与基因定位研究

    On the Reflux Problem of Migrant Workers Genetic Analysis and Mapping of the Cordiform Eye-spot ( ces ) Gene in the Silkworm , Bombyx mori

  10. 随机Learning-by-doing经济增长模型

    Stochastic Learning-by-doing Economic Growth Model

  11. 提出了一个基于Solow模型的考虑时滞作用的多种资本投入的经济增长模型。

    In this paper , the model for economic growth with multiple capital inputs influenced by time delay is proposed on the basis of the solow model .

  12. 通过引入强可分的效用函数和含有有效劳动时间的生产函数,得到一个具有内生生育率的Cass-Koopmans经济增长模型。

    By introducting a strongly divisible utility function and a production function with effective labor , we get an improved Cass Coopmans model with endogenous fertility .

  13. 与Ramsey(1928)经济增长模型不同,本文在效用函数中引入环境质量,讨论了以政府花费形式的环境管理在经济发展与环境质量改善过程中的作用。

    Differing from Ramsey economic growth model ( 1928 ), this paper puts environmental quality into utility function , and discusses the effect of environmental management on economic growth as well as the improvement of environmental quality .

  14. 运用技术差距理论的Fagerberg经济增长模型确定了科技成果转化与经济增长关系表达式。

    Using Fagerberg economic growth model , the relational expression between technology transfer and economy is confirmed .

  15. 第一类模型是内生经济增长模型,它是在经典的Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans模型中纳入了政府的行为。

    The first class of model is the endogenous economic growth model that brings the government behaviors into the classical Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model .

  16. 主要回顾了Harrod-Domar经济增长模型、新古典经济增长模型、新经济增长模型中的金融机制。

    And mainly review the financial mechanism of Harrod - Domar Growth Model , Neoclassical Growth Model , the New Model of Economic Growth in the financial process .

  17. 讨论Learning-by-doing随机经济增长模型,利用随机最优化方法,确定了均衡状态下的消费&财富比、期望经济增长率。

    This paper analyzes a stochastic economic growth model with learning-by-doing production function . By using stochastic optimal methods , we obtain expected growth rate , consumption-wealth ratio at the steady state .

  18. 首先是构造进行实证分析的数据模型,从AK内生经济增长模型出发,对AK模型进行改造,把投资细化为银行业和股市两个因素,经过推导得到稳态经济增长率。

    We first construct the model which will be used in empirical analysis . From the AK endogenous growth model , we rebuild AK model in order to divide investment into two factors : banking and stock market . Through this deduction , we get steady economic growth rate .

  19. 新古典经济增长模型认为,在一个封闭经济中,由于资本的边际产出呈现递减趋势,经济的发展最终将趋于稳定的状态(Solow,1956),这个稳定状态主要指的是人均产出保持不变。

    Neoclassical economic growth model considers that the development of economy will ultimately show a stable state because of the decreasing trend of the marginal output of capital in a closed economy . ( Solow 1956 ), and the stable state is that the output per capita remains unchanged .

  20. 环境污染、内生人口增长与经济增长模型

    Model of economic growth to environment pollution and endogenous population growth

  21. 关税与经济增长模型在中国的实证分析

    Tariff and Economic Growth Model & An Empirical Analysis in China

  22. 混合经济增长模型中的最优财政政策

    Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Growth Model of the Mixed Economy

  23. 企业知识产权评估的经济增长模型

    An Economic Growth Model for the Evaluation of Corporate Intellectual Property

  24. 基于非期望效用函数的随机经济增长模型

    The model for stochastic economic growth based on non expected utility

  25. 经济增长模型的假定过于严格;

    The presumptions of economic growth model is too strict ;

  26. 经济增长模型的重构与投资分析

    Analysis on the reconstruction of economic increase pattern and investment

  27. 基于能源消费二重性的经济增长模型

    The Economic Growth Model Based on the Dual Character of The Energy-consuming

  28. 刚过去的20年里世界经济增长模型&美国借贷,消费;

    The growth model of the past two decades-Americans borrow and spend ;

  29. 资本投入下经济增长模型的动态分析

    Dynamic analysis of economic growth model based on capital investment

  30. 环境和能源约束下的内生经济增长模型

    An endogenous economic growth model with the restraints of environment and energy