
  • Oriental Red;【电影】Dongfang hong
  1. 运用大型有限元分析软件MARC对一拖集团齿轮厂生产的东方红&170半轴花键冷滚轧加工过程进行了有限元分析。

    The application of large general-purpose finite element software MARC was probed .

  2. 东方红11号型船舶的合理营运班期适合多种营运环境的长江流域LPG船队运行组织规划

    Rational Runs of Operation of Dongfanghong 11 Type Ships Operation Programming of LPG Fleet in Changjiang River Catered for the Multifarious Transportation Environment

  3. 叙述了用现场动态测试手段测量东方红70T履带推土机作业外载荷的方法。

    The paper analyses the structural loads of working device for DFH-70T crawler bulldozer .

  4. 东方红-54拖拉机柴油发动机(AE-54)的涡轮增压

    The turbocharging of diesel ( ae-54 ) of Dong Fang hong-54 tractor

  5. 本文继东方红3号(DFH-3)卫星天线系统动态特性测试(Ⅰ),给出卫星天线系统一阶固有频率的简化分析计算。

    This paper presents a reduced computation method of the first order natural frequency for DFH-3 satellite antenna .

  6. 通过STP分析,就兰州市电影消费的观众构成、竞争格局、目标市场选择等进行分析研究,确定东方红影城科学而合理的市场定位。

    Through the STP analysis , the consumption of Lanzhou City , the film audience composition , competition , target market selection analysis study to determine the Dong Fang Hong cinema scientific and reasonable market position .

  7. 本文介绍中国第二代国内通信卫星&东方红二号甲(DFH-2A)的总体及分系统概貌。

    This paper gives a brief description of the DFH-2A communication satellites which are the second generation of Chinese domestic communication satellites .

  8. 本文以东方红4号(简称DFH-4)卫星为研究对象,利用柔性多体系统动力学方法对其大型太阳翼的展开过程动力学以及不同展开模式下对卫星本体姿态运动的影响进行了研究。

    The paper studies the deployment dynamics of the large-scale solar panels and the attitude influence of the satellite undergo the different deployment modes for the DFH-4 satellite .

  9. 根据液压转向调速系统主要参数的计算公式,并结合东方红1302R型橡胶履带拖拉机进行了参数设计和转向运动性能分析,所选参数满足整机性能要求。

    On the basis of the calculation formula of the main parameters of hydraulic steering speed change system , the parameter design and steering performance analysis of Dongfanghong 1302R rubber tracked tractor have been completed . All performances of the tractor can be achieved .

  10. 东方红500/550型轮式拖拉机总体设计

    The design of Dong Fang Hong 500 / 550 wheeled tractor

  11. 东方红履带拖拉机支重轮形变机制

    Deformation Mechanism of Support Wheels in Dong Fang Hong Crawler Tractor

  12. 中华最美的歌是东方红。

    Chinese is the most beautiful song The East Is Red .

  13. 舱体式移动电站的孔口防雨结构分析东方红-YZDZ80C液压自行式移动电站

    Analysis of the orifice waterproof structure for module-type mobile power station

  14. 东方红林业局森林经营方针与目标探讨

    Discussion on forest management policies and targets in Dongfanghong forestry bureau

  15. 东方红水库水文水利分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Hydrology and Water Conservancy of Dongfanghong Reservoir

  16. 2007年《东方红》刘若望雕塑主题个展&北京新加坡兴艺画廊;

    2007'The East is Red'Liu Ruowang Solo Exhibition Beijing Singapore Xingyi Gallery ;

  17. 东方红&15拖拉机底盘噪声声源的分析研究

    Analysing and Studying on the Noise of the Chassis of Dongfanghong-15 Tractor

  18. 东方红&1002型拖拉机经济寿命的计算及分析

    Calculation and Analysis on Economical Life of Tractor Named Dongfanghong-1002

  19. 东方红拖拉机自动转向控制系统设计

    Development of Automatic Steering Control System Based on Dongfanghong Tractor

  20. 东方红&15拖拉机发动机噪声的试验研究

    The Experimental Study on the Noise of the Engine of Dongfanghong-15 Tractor

  21. 东方红,太阳升。

    The east is red , the sun rises .

  22. 东方红&802拖拉机开口前梁的有限元分析

    Finit element analysis on the split front beam in tractor dfh & 802

  23. 人们傍晚在东方红广场休憩直至深夜。

    People relax in Dong Fang Hong Square in the evening until midnight .

  24. 东方红浆砌石重力坝扬压力安全评价

    Safety evaluation of uplift pressure of Dongfanghong gravity dam

  25. 东方红林业局多种经营资源现状及推进措施

    The Status of Diversified Economy of Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau and Some Promoting Method

  26. 东方红〈3〉型机车司机室振动问题的测试分析及对策

    DFH 3 locomotive cab vibration test analysis and reduction

  27. 1970年的今天,中国的首个卫星,“东方红1号”,发射升空。

    1970-The first Chinese satellite , Dong Fang Hong I , is launched .

  28. 东方红-150拖拉机车架的应力测量

    Static Stress Measuring of DFH-150 Tractor 's Frame

  29. 结果华支睾吸虫总感染率为34。1%,其中东方红感染率34。

    Results The total infective rate of Clonorchis sinensis of the local population was34.1 % .

  30. 东方红170拖拉机提升器改进

    Improvements on DFH 170 Tractor Lifts