
  • 网络Chinese Folklore
  1. 中国民俗学:步入新世纪的学术思考

    Chinese Folklore : Academic Review in New Century

  2. 中国民俗学应如何走出自己的学术困境

    How Chinese Folklore Extricate Itself from Academic Predicament

  3. 论中国民俗学新世纪的学科发展

    Development of China 's Folklore Studies in the New Century

  4. 中国民俗学学科发展现状刍议

    A Tentative Discussion on the Development of China 's Folklore

  5. 中国民俗学与北京大学

    Chinese Folklore and Peking University

  6. 中国民俗学学派基石论

    Cornerstone of Chinese Folklore School

  7. 经济全球化、西部大开发等国内外环境给中国民俗学学科发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。

    The economic globalization and Chinese western development policy provide opportunity and challenge for the improvement of Chinese folklore .

  8. 进入新世纪,加强民俗的应用研究,对发展中国民俗学关系重大。

    In the new century , the strengthening of applied folklore research is important to the development of Chinese folklore .

  9. 中国民俗学理论的新建树&对多民族的一国民俗学理论的探讨

    44 New Contribution of the Theory of Folklore in China : a Study on " Folklore in a Country with Multi-nationalities "

  10. 为帮助中国民俗学走出困境,我们应当加强田野作业,力求把民俗学建设成经世济民的学科。

    In order to help it extricate itself from difficult position , we should make more fieldwork and regard folklore as a practical subject .

  11. 中国民俗学在新世纪能否健康发展,关键在于这一学科的基础与前提&田野作业能否得到重视和深化。

    The key to smooth development of Chinese folklore lies in whether fieldwork & its disciplinary foundation and premise will be stressed or not .

  12. 本文介绍了这一研究范式背后连续性的问题意识,讨论了中国民俗学发展的新走向。

    This article , giving an introduction to the awareness of the issues hidden behind the study cases , discusses the new trend of Chinese folklore .

  13. 钟敬文教授关于“建立中国民俗学学派”构想的提出,自有其历史必然性,它是以充分的理论准备、资料准备和组织准备为前提和基础的。

    Professor Zhong Jinwen'idea of establishing China 's folklore is a product of historical necessity on the basis of abundant theoretical , material and organizational preparation .

  14. 本文是日本民俗学家关敬吾先生对日本传统故事的概念界定以及对之内容、结构特点的概括,作为他山之石,可以给中国民俗学理论研究提供参考。

    This article deals with Mr. Guang Jingwu 's ideas about the concepts , contents and structures of Japanese traditional folktales conducive to the theoretical studies of Chinese folklore .

  15. 20世纪初,中国民俗学和神话学的发展为原型批评理论进入中国奠定了基础。

    Beginning of the 20 century , the development that Chinese folklore and mythology is studied is commented theory going into China and settled the base in the interest of the model .

  16. 19世纪西方民俗学创立,20世纪中国民俗学诞生,分别在各自特定的历史时期关怀“民间”,其出发点有着一致性,也有相异之处;

    The Study of Western Folklore was established in 19th century , while the Study of Chinese Folklore was set up in 20th century . During each of the two specific periods , they study the world respectively .

  17. 钟敬文是中国现代民俗学(含民间文学)的开拓者,他对中国民俗学建设的贡献是多方面的。

    Zhong Jin-wen is the pioneer of Chinese Folklore , with great contribution to its reconstruction .

  18. 中国当代民俗学的反思

    The Introspection of Chinese Contemporary Folklore

  19. 中国影视民俗学的崛起与当代电影的民俗化倾向有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Chinese television and film folklore is linked to the the rise of the tendence of contemporary film .

  20. 在中国现代民俗学的开创阶段,人类学的发展远赶不上民俗学。

    In the early period of Chinese modern Folklore Campaign , the development of Anthropology failed to pace with Folklore .

  21. 作为中国现代民俗学的发轫,北京大学《歌谣周刊》的刊行及相应的学术活动,呼应着五四新文化运动。

    As the birthplace of the Chinese modern folklore , the publication of Popular Ballads Weekly and corresponding academic activities by Beijing University echoed the May Fourth Movement .

  22. 中国现代民俗学学兴起于20世纪初,受当时历史环境和社会环境的影响,被赋予了鲜明的时代色彩和思维特征。

    Chinese modern Folklore emerged in the early 20th century . Greatly influenced by historical and social environment of the time , it boasts distinct era meaning and thinking pattern .

  23. 从人与自然环境关系及有关生态方面民俗研究成果积累的学科建设的视角出发,提出了中国生态民俗学的构想;

    This article draws up an outline of Chinese ecology folklore based upon the relationships between human beings and natural environment as well as the folklore research result on ecology aspect .

  24. 随着全球化时代的到来,中国都市民俗学的研究对象发生了巨大的变迁。它由原来静态的、平面的市民研究转向农民居民市民的动态研究,也就是对市民化的全方位考察。

    With the coming of the globalization , the research object of the Chinese urban folklore had a great deal of change , converting from originally static , plane citizen research into dynamic research farmers resident citizen , which was also a unidirectional observation toward citizen .

  25. 珍贵的中国第一批民俗学课试卷

    The Precious First Batch of Folk Study Test Paper in China

  26. 中国特色的民俗学学术体系的建设在很大程度上要依赖悠久的历史文明,以探讨民俗事象、历史源流与民俗观念变迁为对象的历史民俗学在其中至关紧要。

    Historical folklore is a part of Chinese folklore , It consists of history of folk-custom and history of folklore .

  27. 神话在中国的研究随着民俗学等学科的发展,是不断的细化的,有的研究某个神话的起源地,有的则是研究神话对现代人类的影响。

    Myth research in China , with the disciplines of folklore , myth is constantly refined , and some research the origin of a myth , and some studies the myth of modern humans .

  28. 中国社会科学院民俗学专家叶涛(音译)说,家文化之所以根深蒂固,不仅仅是因为举家欢聚的温情,更源自于一直以来,家作为一个整体被视为社会体系的一个重要组成部分。

    Ye Tao , a researcher specializing in folklore at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , says the deep roots of family culture come not only from the warmth of being with relatives , but also because the family , as a unit , has long been regarded as an important part of the social mechanism .

  29. 周作人是中国新文学理论的奠基人,同时又是中国现代民俗学的拓荒者。

    Zhou Zuoren is not only the founder of Chinese new literature , but also the pioneer of modem folklore .

  30. 所以,有必要从中国民间文学、民俗学者的广泛实践中,提炼概括出中国民俗学学派特征的研究方法。

    Therefore , it is necessary to sum up the characteristic research methodology of China 's folklore .