
  • 网络World Heritage Convention;World Heritage Committee Session
  1. 聚焦第27届世界遗产大会

    Focus on the 27 ~ ( th ) World Heritage Conference

  2. 就是在苏州举行了第二十三届世界遗产大会。

    Is held in Suzhou , the twenty-third World Heritage Conference .

  3. 世界遗产大会成立于1977年,其目的是执行《世界遗产公约》,并且管理在该公约下形成的世界遗产名录。

    The panel was formed in 1977 to enforce the World Heritage Convention and manage the heritage list created based on the convention .

  4. 但是,世界遗产大会的注意力也放到了神农架潜在的旅游压力之上,因为在那里刚刚新建了一座机场。

    The meeting was , however , drawn its attention to the potential tourism pressure on the site , as a new airport has been built there .

  5. 世界遗产大会是联合国教科文组织的下属机构,而本届会议由于土耳的政变被中断了一天,目前已经恢复了会议进程。

    The World Heritage Committee , a panel under the UN cultural agency UNESCO , resumed its current session following one-day suspension imposed after the outbreak of a coup attempt in Turkey .

  6. 在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四十届世界遗产大会上,会议决定将中国湖北省的神农架列入世界自然遗产名录,从而使得中国的名录增加到了50个。

    The 40th session of the World Heritage Committee held in Istanbul decided to put China 's Hubei Shennongjia on the prestigious World Heritage List as a natural site , bringing to 50 the number of listed Chinese sites .