
  • 网络world economy;the world-economy
  1. 然而效果并不明显,反而使世界经济体遭受了巨大的流动性泛滥。

    However the effect is not obvious , but to make the world economy suffered a huge flood of liquidity .

  2. 家族企业是世界经济体的组成部分之一,家族企业的成功对整体经济有重要作用。

    Family business is an important part of world economy , whose success is critical to the stability of the whole economic .

  3. 中国是不是最大的世界经济体。

    Whether China has become the largest economy in the world ?

  4. 一对职业失败主义者为他们撰写的一本新书取了这样一个可笑的名字:《加入南方国家:为什么英国会在2014年成为第三世界经济体》(GoingSouth:WhyBritainWillHaveaThirdWorldEconomyBy2014)。

    One new volume by a pair of professional defeatists is laughably titled Going South : Why Britain Will Have a Third World Economy By 2014 .

  5. 科技革命在资本主义世界经济体形成中的作用

    Role of scientific and technological revolution in capitalist economic system formation

  6. 论资本主义世界经济体的历史逻辑

    The History Logic of Capitalist World Economic Community

  7. 在竞争的世界经济体中如何发展我国的包装产业

    How to develop Chinese packaging industry in the competitive economic system on the world

  8. 关于你向我提的问题,首先,中国是不是最大的世界经济体。

    The first part of your question is about whether China has become the largest economy in the world .

  9. 我国作为世界经济体中的一员,应该结合自身经济特点,与世界同步,发展我国的低碳经济。

    China also should develop his own low-carbon economy with its own characteristics as a member of the global economy .

  10. 在经济全球化的时代,来自世界经济体中最为强大的美国所发生的任何经济动荡,都不可避免的会传导至全球各地。

    Any economic turmoil happened in the U.S.A. , the biggest economic entity , will spread to all over the world because of globalization .

  11. 教育部长阿恩·邓肯称,测试结果显示,美国人迫切需要做更多的工作,以保持在世界经济体中的竞争力。

    Education Secretary Arne Duncan says the results show an urgent need for Americans to do more to remain competitive in the world economy .

  12. 资本主义世界经济体最初是在16世纪的欧洲产生的,但没有科技革命的推动,资本主义世界经济体不可能最终形成。

    Capitalist world economic system was formed in Europe in 16th century but capitalist world economic system could not be formed without scientific and technological revolution .

  13. 在这些竞争力量的作用下,耐用消费品和服务的价格被持续压低,但原材料和石油价格则因世界经济体的扩大而被迫上涨。

    The prices of consumer durables and services have been kept down by these competitive forces ; but raw material and oil prices have been forced up by the enlargement of the world economy .

  14. 一个全球经济组织周三称,在一项世界经济体的全球竞争力排行中,美国因为巨额赤字和公众对政府信心的日益缺失,竞争力排名进一步下滑,降至第五位。

    The US has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world 's most competitive economies , landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government , a global economic group said Wednesday .

  15. 我国在世界主要经济体中率先实现正增长,预计2020年国内生产总值迈上百万亿元新台阶。

    China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth , and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan .

  16. OECD的幸福指数按照生活质量标准对世界发达经济体进行排名。

    The OECD 's Better Life Index ranks the world 's developed economies on quality-of-life criteria .

  17. 减赤计划推出前几天,世界领先经济体国家组成的20国集团(G20)峰会刚刚在法国举行。峰会未能就欧元区危机达成一个全面的解决方案。

    The measures came just days after the G20 summit of leading global economies , hosted by France , failed to agree a comprehensive solution to the eurozone crisis .

  18. 标准普尔机构周五剥夺了美国AAA最高信用评级,这对美国这一世界最大经济体以沉重的打击。

    The Standard & Poor 's agency on Friday dealt a heavy blow to the largest world economy as it deprived the US of its top-tier AAA credit rating .

  19. IMF总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christineLagarde)近期在努力筹措5000亿美元的额外资金,以遏制欧元区危机,保护世界各地经济体免遭欧债危机的溢出效应影响。

    Christine Lagarde , IMF managing director , has been pushing for an extra $ 500bn to contain the eurozone crisis and to protect economies around the world from spillover effects .

  20. 但是,中国究竟何时超越美国成为世界最大经济体呢?

    But exactly when will China surpass America as the world 's biggest economy ?

  21. 随着世界经济&体化的迅速发展,经济的区域化发展也如火如荼的展开。

    With the rapid development of world economic integration , regional economy also develops rapidly .

  22. 其中的部分措施给世界其他经济体带来负面外溢效应。

    Some of these actions produce negative spillover effects on other economies of the world .

  23. 中国毫无疑问的将成为世界大经济体之一。

    Undoubtedly , China will grow to become one of the world 's greatest economies .

  24. 2020年中国将取代美国,成为世界第一经济体。

    China will by then have taken the top spot in the global economy by2020 .

  25. 而利率手段是政府调控经济的重要工具,世界主要经济体都频繁调节利率。

    The interest rate is a kind of important tool to regulate macro-economy for the government .

  26. 美欧是世界主要经济体,又是多边贸易体制的重要成员。

    The United States and Europe are major economies and important players in the multilateral trading system .

  27. 铁路为世界最大经济体的形成奠定了基础

    The railroads laid the basis for the creation of the single largest market in world economy .

  28. 世界各经济体要实现复苏,这两个经济大国必须合作。

    For the world 's economies to recover , these two economic powerhouses must co-operate , they said .

  29. 世界各经济体在寻求自身发展的同时,不得不考虑金融危机带来的影响。

    When seeking their own development , The economies have to consider the impact of the financial crisis .

  30. 尽管如此,加拿大企业从未远离美国这个世界最大经济体太远或太长时间过。

    But Canadian business never strayed too far , for too long , from the world 's biggest economy .