
shì jiè yóu yǒnɡ jǐn biāo sài
  • FINA World Championships
  1. 中国游泳运动员孙杨在周日的世界游泳锦标赛中获得了金牌,同时打破了由GrantHackertt所保持的1500迷自由泳世界纪录,继这位澳大利亚人之后登上了长距游泳之王的宝座。

    China 's Sun Yang broke Grant Hackett's1,500 metres freestyle world record on Sunday to take world championships gold and stake his claim to succeed the Australian as king of long-distance swimming .

  2. 世界游泳锦标赛花絮(一)

    Items from the World Swimming Championships ( 1 )

  3. 第七届世界游泳锦标赛在罗马开幕

    The 7th World Swimming Championships open in Rome

  4. 第七届世界游泳锦标赛男子1米跳板预赛今天上午在这里举行。

    The1-meter diving board preliminaries of the Seventh World Swimming Championship were held here this morning .

  5. 本届世界游泳锦标赛的吉祥物是一只名叫卡洛塔的小海龟。

    The mascot of the World Swimming Championship is a little turtle named " Carota " .

  6. 中国游泳队在1994年举行的第七届世界游泳锦标赛上赢得12枚金牌。

    The Chinese swimming team won12 gold medals in the7th World Swimming Championships , held in1994 .

  7. 新华社罗马8月31日电世界游泳锦标赛花絮(一)

    Xinhua news agency , Rome , August 31 . Items from the World Swimming Championships ( 1 )

  8. 中国的宁泽涛在世界游泳锦标赛中一路领先,获得百米自由泳冠军。

    Ning Zetao of China led all the way to win the 100-meter freestyle at the world swimming championships .

  9. 中国小将伏明霞获世界游泳锦标赛女子10米跳台跳水冠军。

    Chinese young pathfinder Fu Mingxia wins the diving champion of the Women's10-meter diving tower at the World Swimming Championships .

  10. 在2007年的墨尔本世界游泳锦标赛上,美国游泳运动员共获36枚奖牌,其中有20枚金牌,这是他们有史来最好的成绩。

    At the 2007 World Championships Americans had their best performance ever , amassing 36 medals , with 20 of them gold .

  11. 许多中国运动员赢得了世界游泳锦标赛冠军,但令人遗憾的是,大多数学校却没有游泳设施。

    It is a pity that many Chinese athletes won world championships in swimming while most schools don 't have the swimming facilities .

  12. 8月6日,中国游泳运动员宁泽涛在俄罗斯喀山世界游泳锦标赛上以47秒84的成绩获得男子100米自由泳金牌。

    Chinese swimmer Ning Zetao won the men 's 100-meter freestyle in 47.84 seconds at the world championships in Kazan , Russia , on Aug 6 .

  13. 去年亚运会上宁泽涛赢得首个国际奖项,本周四晚上,宁泽涛以47.84秒的成绩获得了世界游泳锦标赛冠军。

    Ning touched first in 47.84 seconds Thursday night , following up his victory in last year 's Asian Games with his first world title a year .

  14. 如果你参加世界游泳锦标赛时,即将从池边跳下却发现自己的泳衣裂了个口子,你会怎么办呢?

    What do you do when you 're about to get on the blocks and your swimsuit rips , and at a world championships , no less ?

  15. 而在去年墨尔本的世界游泳锦标赛上,他们的成绩更上了一层楼。人们期望美国游泳运动员在北京奥运上获得更多的奖章。

    But they did even better at last year 's World Championships in Melbourne , so there are high hopes for a big medal haul in Beijing .

  16. 近日在韩国举行的世界游泳锦标赛上,澳大利亚游泳运动员马克·霍顿因拒绝与中国游泳运动员孙杨同台领奖的挑衅行为而受到批评。

    Australian swimmer Mack Horton has been criticised for refusing to stand alongside Chinese swimmer Sun Yang in a defiant protest at the world championships in South Korea .

  17. 2017年,孙杨进行了甜蜜的报复,在世界游泳锦标赛上以3分41秒38的成绩获得冠军,领先第二名霍顿2.47秒。

    In 2017 , Sun took a sweet revenge by clocking 3 minutes 41.38 seconds , finishing 2.47 sec ahead of second-place Horton at the World Aquatics Championships .

  18. 荷兰运动员皮特尔范登霍根班德在世界游泳锦标赛中是个悲情英雄:他总共夺取过七枚银牌两枚铜牌,从没有获得过金牌;但他在奥运会比赛中却取得了非凡的成功。

    Swimmer Pieter van den Hoogenband put together an unusual record at the long-course world championships , eventually winning seven silver medals and two bronze medals , but no gold .

  19. 在1998年澳大利亚珀斯世界游泳锦标赛中,同样有中国选手未通过药检。随后中国在游泳项目中保持低调,直到2008年在北京奥运会上再次成为游泳强国。

    There were similar failed tests at the 1998 world championships in Perth , and China then maintained a much lower profile in swimming , only resurfacing as a leading nation at the Beijing games in 2008 .

  20. 相关报道:周日,在第14届世界游泳锦标赛上,19岁的中国选手孙杨获得了男子1500米自由泳的冠军,打破了沉寂10年之久的世界纪录。

    Sun Yang became the NO 1 male swimmer of China as the 19-year-old eclipsed the 10-year-old world mark of the men 's 1500m freestyle to clinch his second gold at the 14th FINA World Championships here on Sunday .

  21. 周四,宁泽涛以47.84秒的成绩获得世界游泳锦标赛冠军,为中国短距游泳领域带来曙光。22岁的宁泽涛成为第一个在世界游泳锦标赛中获得冠军的亚洲人。

    Ning surprised a depleted field to win the 100-meter freestyle at the world championships in 47.84 seconds on Thursday.The 22-year-old Ning became the first man from Asia to win a medal of any color in the 100 free at the worlds .