- patent document

Article l7.The inventor or creator has the right to be named as such in the patent document .
Counterfeiting or transforming any patent certificate , patent document or patent application document .
The ANT Works analyzed over 57.000 patent documents , which include patent applications and granted patents in the US , EU and Japan between 1994-2012 .
The applications notes that that backlights from light emitting diodes are more efficient and durable , have a long operating life , low power consumption and broad color range .
According to patent documents , accessed via Chinas intellectual property database , the suitcase is also equipped with a GPS navigator , a burglar alarm and a horn .
Future Canon DSLRs could be some of the first to switch to touchscreens for much of their input , a newly unearthed patent filing shows .
A language ACL is defined to accomplish assistant censor function , and to make the editor have the character of intellectualization .
The patent filing includes a full 24 images , showing different ways the phones could bend .
The letters patent should confirm the protection range of the product based on the content of this patent specification .
Takata 's patents also document how the company 's engineers for years struggled to stabilize the ammonium nitrate in its propellant .
It is not obvious in the light of what was known before . " Inventive " and " prior art " are the technical terms .
Google 's patent explained that the adhesive layer would be hidden under a protective coating , to ensure it did not gather debris during journeys .
The patent papers that describe in detail Wilbur and Orville Wright 's concept for a flying machine were lifted by an unknown crook without anyone noticing .
But until someone tries to auction off hand-drawn airplane sketches from the early 1900s , we may never know where the patent papers took off to .
By receiving that piece of paper with her name on it , Kies led the way for other female inventors to take credit for their ideas .
That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings , initially by emerging Internet companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to specific types of online transactions .
Instead , the document describes having the driver 's smartphone automatically detect when the car is parked ( the phone is not moving anymore , it 's no longer connected through wires or Bluetooth signal to it , etc. ) and remembering the location and time .
An applicant may amend his or its application for a patent
How to Write the Patent Requesting in Patent Application Documents
Patent document delivery service [ Hong Kong Productivity Council ]
Problems in the Drafting of Patent for Biotechnological Inventions
The amendments to the application for patent shall be in two copies .
Writing on commission patent application documents and handling re-examination and other related affairs ;
Starting from the angles of patent application documents writing and patent licence trade , this paper probes into the relation between patent and proprietary technology .
The amendment to the application for a patent for design may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure as shown in the initial drawings or photographs .
A patent filing registered earlier this month with Korean authorities shows that the company has been toying with a new tool for its cameras : transparent displays .
" publication for the purposes of patent procedure " means the official publication , or the official laying open for public inspection , of a patent application or a patent ;
" But the amendment to the application for a patent for invention or utility model may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained in the initial description and claims ,"
Being aimed at the problems in the drafting of patent for biotechnological inventions , the present article advised from six points to help native applicants write high class applications in order to protect their inventions .
If the applicant fails to make the written declaration or to meet the time limit for submitting the patent application document , the claim to the right of priority shall be deemed not to have been made .