
  1. 这种女孩子不谈恋爱,只在姐妹间游荡。

    This girl does not love , only sisters wandering .

  2. 因为我曾保证自己不谈恋爱。

    Because I used to promise that I would never be in love .

  3. 一个人完全可以不谈恋爱过着快乐、健康、多姿的生活。

    One can live a happy health , productivity life without falling in love .

  4. 右手小指:不谈恋爱。

    Right little finger : No love .

  5. 美国人倾向于舍弃家庭,韩国人更愿意不谈恋爱。

    Americans were most willing to sacrifice their homes , while South Koreans were most ready to sacrifice their love life .

  6. 人们常说,在大学不谈恋爱的人不是傻子就是疯子。

    People often say the person who fall in love not in the university 's ising not a fool is a bedlamite .

  7. 相爱生活在一起了四年,最后她还是伤透了你的心。所以,这是为什么我们不谈恋爱的原因!

    Four years of closeness and sharing at the end of which she ripped your heart out , and that is why we don 't do it !

  8. 每一个不想谈恋爱的人。

    People do not want to fall in love for each .

  9. 你认为我是个不值得谈恋爱的人吗?

    Do you think that I 'm not worth loving ?

  10. 艾瑞丝:你怎么知道他不希望谈恋爱?

    Iris : How do you know he doesn 't want a relationship ?

  11. 李明远:你不是总说工作太忙顾不上谈恋爱吗?

    Didn 't you say you were too busy to fall in love ?

  12. 我再也不想谈恋爱了。

    I 'm never going to date again .

  13. 年轻人如今可不这么谈恋爱了。

    There 's no such thing as courtship now , among the younger generation .

  14. 我只是不想谈恋爱。

    I just don 't want a relationship .

  15. 他是不错,可我现在不想谈恋爱

    Yeah , he 's cute , but I don 't want a relationship right now .

  16. 他真正想说的是:“我不想谈恋爱,至少不是和你谈。”

    What he really means : " I don 't want to be in a relationship . At least , not with you . "

  17. 但她父亲有些担心。“你觉不觉得她谈恋爱了?”他问。

    But her father worried . " Do you think she 's having love affairs ? " " he asked .

  18. 这在中国的年轻人中并不少见,因为许多青少年在高中时都不被允许谈恋爱,而要专注于学习。

    This is not uncommon amongst young Chinese , considering many teens are discouraged from having any romantic relationships in high school and told to focus on school work instead .

  19. 在去年的一次迈阿密之旅中,古德曼艳遇不断,而沃尔什则为失恋心碎不已,两人突然有了一个有趣的想法:为何彼此之间不谈一场恋爱,通过行为分析来直面个人的感情问题。

    While on a trip to Miami last year - Goodman was seeing several people at the time and Walsh was heartbroken over a breakup - they thought it might be interesting to confront their own relationship issues by analyzing their behavior while dating each other .

  20. 我一点也不知道他们在谈恋爱。

    I had no idea that they were in a relationship .

  21. 总跟不合适的人谈恋爱的习惯。

    Of getting into relationships with totally inappropriate guys .

  22. 是的,但我跟别人有点不一样,我谈恋爱比较晚。

    Yes , it was different for me . I fell in love late .

  23. 可我不想跟他谈恋爱

    But I don 't want a relationship .

  24. 而且跟一个自己根本就不喜欢的人谈恋爱,难道很有意思吗?

    Also , what 's the point of being in a relationship with someone you 're not attracted to ?

  25. 他表示,学校既不提倡也不反对学生谈恋爱,但行为举止必须符合规范。

    He also said the university neither advocates nor bans student relationships but demands " students mind manners . "

  26. 我不需要等待他人的回复(或是费神考虑我的短信是否太过轻浮、有求于人或是冗长啰嗦),另外我也不会再有那种就是有人无法明白我的感觉了。这不意味着我将来不打算谈恋爱(我当然会谈啦)。

    There 's no waiting to be texted back ( or obsessing about if my text is too flirty , too needy , too wordy ) , and there 's no feeling like another person just doesn 't understand me . That doesn 't mean I don 't plan on dating other people in future -- I definitely do .