
  • subdivision method
  1. 95下三分法的比较、对SFASNO。

    95 , evaluate the trisection method of SFAS No.

  2. 方法应用附加约束条件下变分法的瑞利-里兹法,推导了弹性屈曲临界荷载的计算式并利用该方法进行了验证。

    By using Rayleigh-Ritz variation method under additional restrain conditions , the formula of critical loads of elastic buckling is obtained .

  3. TritonX-100存在下分光光度法快速测定尿锌

    Quick Determination of Zinc in Human Urine by Spectrophotometry Under the Existance of Triton X-100

  4. 由于弯曲波导是AWG器件中不可缺少的结构单元,论文运用柱坐标下有限差分法来计算弯曲波导的场分布和有效传播常数,找出了波导弯曲半径与波导弯曲损耗之间的关系。

    This paper also presents the finite differential method ( FD method ) as a tool of calculating the field distribution and effective propagation constant . Furthermore , we figure out the relationship between the bend radius and the loss of waveguide .

  5. 混合增溶剂存在下分光光度法测定微量铅

    Determination of Micro-amount Lead in the Present Mixed Solubilizer by Spectrophotometry

  6. 淀粉存在下分光光度法测定亚氨基二乙酸中微量氯

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Chloride from Imido-acetic Acid in the Presence of Starch

  7. 分别针对静态背景下背景差分法检测运动目标、连续帧间差分法检测运动目标,多运动目标检测的有关问题,提出了多个运动目标检测方案。

    The project of moving object detection based on background-difference image , the one based on frame-difference , the one of multiple moving objects detection are proposed .

  8. 对优化后的胶凝面板堆石坝计算了坝体和面板的应力变形,进行了整体稳定分析和坝坡稳定分析,并给出了不同坝料下瑞典条分法计算的最危险滑弧面。

    After optimization , stress and deformation are calculated , and stability is analyzed . Based on Swedish slice method , the most dangerous slip circles of different dam materials are given out .

  9. 在改进的平均原子模型的基础上,在中心场近似下用分波法处理自由电子密度分布函数,提高了电子波函数、电子占据数等原子参数的计算精度。

    On the basis of the improved averaged atomic model , the distribution of the free electrons is dealt with by the partial-wave method to improve the precision of determination of the energy level , electron populations and atomic inner energy .

  10. 在SD对壳模型的理论框架下,利用变分法及TDA近似确定SD对结构。

    Variational method and TDA approximation was applied to construct the SD pairs in the SD-pair shell model ( SDPSM ) .

  11. 乳化剂OP和邻菲啰啉存在下硫氰酸钾分光光度法测定土壤有效铁和植物中的铁

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Available Iron in Soil and Total Iron in Plant with Potassium Thiocyanate in the Presence of Emulgent OP aod 1 , 10-Phenanthroline

  12. 选用类氧原子波函数,在单中心球模型近似下,利用变分法计算了H-7团簇正八面体中心结构的能量曲线。

    The simple oxygen wave functions are chosen as the electronic wave function of the H - 7 cluster with one center spherical model approximation . The energy curve the body-centered regular octahedral structure of the H - 7 cluster is calculated by means of variational method .

  13. 在丙酮增敏作用下硝普钠分光光度法测定盐酸吗啉胍

    Sodium Nitroprusside Spectrophotometric Determination of Moroxydine Hydrochloride under Sensitization of Acetone

  14. 控制方程在曲线坐标下采用有限差分法进行求解。

    The governing equations are solved by using finite difference method in a general curvilinear coordinate system .

  15. 运用已有文献关于一些物理量压力系数的结果,在各向同性有效质量近似下,采用变分法计算了压力影响下杂质态和激子的结合能。

    Adopted the pressure coefficients of some physical parameter of the semiconductor materials , we calculated the donor and exciton binding energy used a variational method under isotropic effective band mass approximation .

  16. 对该算法进行分析的结果表明:在被检索数据均匀分布的情况下,分档检索法的平均检索长度不超过1.39(1+(1/N)),附加存贮开销为N+1。

    Its computational algorithm and process flowcharts are given , with average searching length within 1.39 ( 1 + 1 / N ) and the extra memory cost N + 1 when data arin equidistribution .

  17. 通过数值实验,研究了圆柱坐标系下网格波阻抗的正确性和它在圆柱坐标系下时域有限差分法(FDTD)中的应用。

    Numerical experiments were done to investigate the validity of MWI and its application in cylindrical coordinates FDTD algorithm .