- underlying surface

This character is related to the changes in underlying surface .
Statistical Characteristics of Atmospheric Turbulence in Different Underlying Surface Conditions
Extraction of underlying surface information from SPOT remote sensing imagery
On Applicability of Mosaic Method under Heterogeneous Land Surface in Large-Scale Atmospheric Model
Analyzing the effect of ground factors to the characteristics of low flow in karst drainage basins based on GIS-Case study of the rivers in Guizhou Province
The testing results show that street structure , local velocity of urban wind , traffic intensity and green plant pattern can affect the dispersion and the distributions of CO.
The Bowen ratios are 0.4 and 4.0 over oasis and desert respectively .
An analysis was performed of the method and characteristics of SPOT stereopair for DEM generation and some other methods for underlying surface information extraction currently used in engineering .
Under the heterogeneous land surface , the Mosaic method is the one which is widely used to calculate surface fluxes in land surface model .
The average annual value of A was 0.299 and a mean of 0.172 from May to September .
Which indicates that : the inhomogeneity of underlying surface has a significant influence on difference of sensible heat flux by LAS and EC .
The consequence demonstrates that DEMs of different grid size should be adopted according as the hypsography when model parameters are confirmed by the topographic characteristics .
Penman-Monteith Evapotranspiration Model and Calculations of Its Parameters in Forest Underlying Surface
In the application of RS ( remote sensing ) and GIS ( geographic information system ) technology , the method of rapid obtaining the information of land cover and topographic condition was discussed .
Characteristics of the turbulence spectral local isotropy are analyzed under different stability and compared with Kansas Experiment and Changbai Mountains Experiment results .
Soil CO2 flux from the forest floor was strongly related to soil temperature and had the highest correlation with temperature at 6-cm depth of soil .
If DEM is combined with the spatial distribution of the parameters reflecting characteristic of soil , vegetation , geology , and hydrograph , the relation of the underlying surface parameters and ground elevation can be described .
The pollution of the runoff is serious on all three of the underlying surfaces . COD , TN , TP and BOD_5 concentrations all exceed the fifth level of the environmental quality standards for China .
The study shows that the average dry deposition velocities of SO 2 and SO 4 2 - are 0.31cm/s and 0.20 cm / s , respectively .
When using SCS and USLE model in the basin of complicated geomorphologic factors , the parameter can be calculated by mathematic method , which proved to be practicable by rain-runoff and soil erosion simulation .
Satellite optimum bands for underlying surface classification were selected by using weight function spectra distribution , optimum index function ( OIF ) and the usages channels of MODIS .
In terms of the method foreign countries have solved the calculation problems of CO_2 or heat and moisture fluxes of forest and farmland ecosystems under the assumption of homogeneous underlying surface , at moment are making efforts to calculate the fluxes of non-ideal underlying surface ( real terrain ) .
Then , using the cement and clay as the underlaying surface respectively , it simulates the hot field distribution of the residential sites , and further explains the effects of different types of underlaying surface on the thermal environment , according to the CFD technology in micro-level .
Finally , through the CFD simulation of urban river surrounding wind field and humidity field and temperature field , this paper analyzes and evaluates the effect that different water area size , the ground temperature and the dominant wind direction has on heat climate of the surrounding communities .
An investigation was conducted on the hydrological underlying surface for rain-induced floods from Sanmenxia to Xiaolangdi in the mid-lower reaches of the Yellow River by means of the multiple time-phase , high-resolution remote sensing data of Landsat TM / ETM ~ + .
Diurnal and seasonal variation of clear-sky land surface temperature of several representative land surface types in China retrieved by GMS 5
The results indicate that the change of vegetative distribution has marked effect on Yunnan 's climatic elements and it mainly influence from surface to 700 hPa .
It shows that there is a forerunner of torrential rain on the underlying heat field , that is the upward geothermal heat flux from deep layer to earth surface .
Contrast Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Soil Moisture of Heterogeneous Surface
Estimation of aerodynamic parameters on non single horizontal homogeneous underlying surface