
  • 网络Monodon monoceros;Narwhal;Narval;narwal
  1. 本税则所称“兽牙”,是指象、河马、海象、一角鲸和野猪的长牙、犀角及其他动物的牙齿。

    Throughout the Nomenclature , elephant , hippopotamus , walrus , narwhal and wild boar tusks , rhinoceros horns and the teeth of all animals are regarded as " ivory " .

  2. 在只有男性喜欢的动物中,排名在前二十的只有一种哺乳动物&角鲸,而女性最喜欢的动物中,排在前二十的除了企鹅和蝴蝶之外全部都是哺乳动物。

    The only mammal in the top 20 most uniquely male animals is the Narwhal , while every animal in the corresponding female list apart from the penguin and butterfly is mammal .