
  1. 想想看,他对这件事竟一无所闻!

    To think of his having heard nothing of the matter !

  2. 巡逻队静听后一无所闻。他们看了看,什么也看不见。

    The men of the patrol listened , and heard nothing , they looked and saw nothing .

  3. 而一无所闻的音乐,但是只要乐曲余音未绝,你就是音乐。

    That it is not heard at all , but you are the music While the music lasts .

  4. 听得过于深切而一无所闻的音乐,但是只要乐曲余音未绝,你就是音乐。

    Music heard so deeply that it is not heard at all , but you are the music while the music lasts .