
  1. 一年又一年,四季循环往复。

    Four seasons cycle year after year .

  2. 这笔债务结转了一年又一年,何时才能还上呢?

    This debt has been carried forward from year to year ; when will it be paid ?

  3. 科比一年又一年地出现在最有可能获得常规赛MVP的前十名之中,可每一次他都遗憾地错过了机会。

    And yet , year after year , Kobe Bryant shows up in the top10 of the most likely players to win the MVP , and he fails to win it .

  4. 一年又一年的过了,树一直在长大。

    As each year passes the fig tree continues to grow .

  5. 我们就这样过日子,一月又一月,一年又一年。

    So we lived , month after month year after year .

  6. 一年又一年,越来越多的人来到这个世界上。

    Year after year , more people were born into the world .

  7. 同样的问题也驱动着我,一年又一年地穿梭在这个国家的土地上。

    The same questions propel me through the country year after year .

  8. 他们一年又一年地互相开枪打人。

    They went on shooting each other , year in and year out .

  9. 一年又一年,政府拒绝给教育增加投资。

    Year after year the Government refused to provide more funds for education .

  10. 夏洛蒂在那里住了一年又一年

    Charlotte was there for years , and years .

  11. 我也会在那一年又一年又一年又一年

    I 'll be there year after year after year

  12. 一年又一年过去,你始终是我心里最完美的那一个。

    Year after year , you are still the perfect one in my heart .

  13. 一年又一年,真诚的祝福传递与你,愿开心、幸福!生日快乐!

    Year after year , sincere blessings and you , wish happy , happy !

  14. 我一年又一年地设想她那时的样子。

    I have cast up the years of her age , year after year .

  15. 随着一年又一年的过去,庆祝新年的想法逐年消退了。

    The premise behind celebrating the New Year falters as the years go by .

  16. 过了一年又一年,可他的身体仍未见好转。

    The years rolled by and still there was no improvement in his health .

  17. 一年又一年过去了,电脑被制作得越来越小。

    As the years have gone by , computers have been made smaller and smaller .

  18. 一年又一年

    And as every year goes past ,

  19. 一年又一年过去了,白雪公主长大了,她越长越美丽。

    Year after year , the snow white princess grew up and became prettier and prettier .

  20. 一年又一年,狂欢节的节目越来越丰富。

    From one winter to the next , the Carnival 's programme of activities was enriched .

  21. 一年又一年我们一次都没赢过

    Years and years without a victory

  22. $软件生活!这将需要一年又一年,直到大多数软件能够妥善处理彩色型材,线性工作流程等。

    It will take years and years until most software can properly handle colour profiles , linear workflow etc.

  23. 就这样,奴隶们一年又一年地干下去,直到死为止。

    And thus the slaves go on from year to year , until the golden bowl is broken .

  24. 一年又一年的过去了,钟声已经成了我记忆的一部分,它是我心中的一丝牵挂。

    Year after year , the clock chimed , a part of my memories , a part of my heart .

  25. 拉米斯:一年又一年,年年如此——背弃诺言,还不是老样子。

    Ramis : Year after year it 's the same thing - broken promises and the same old same old .

  26. 岁月一年又一年地过去了,露茜也一年年长大成人了;她长得亭亭玉立,十分健美,她的面颊愈见娇艳,她的步态也日益轻盈。

    As year succeeded to year she grew taller and stronger , her cheek more ruddy and her step more elastic .

  27. 一年又一年,不知今年我是否还有兴致,一个人或是找个人溜达。

    I wonder if I can be brave to be there again or find a person go with me to there .

  28. 一年又一年,参加了越来越多的拜忏法会,可以感觉到拜的力量正在身体里慢慢地长大。

    Year after year , attending more and more repentance ceremonies , I could feel the power of bowing developing within me .

  29. 一年又一年过去,他们的贸易盈余不断增加,中国积攒了的国外资产不断增加。

    As the years went by , those trade surpluses just kept growing & and so did China 's hoard of foreign assets .

  30. 这样,一年又一年,他们的活动如大师秘会,性质上已不断统一与无害化。

    In so doing , year after year , their events such as their Masters Conclave have become increasingly unity based and harmless in nature .