
yī ɡǎn jìn dònɡ
  • hole in one
  1. 我所知道的唯一的魔法就是一杆进洞。

    The only magic I know is a hole in one .

  2. 去年春天我这辈子第一次一杆进洞。

    Last spring I got a hole in one for the first time in my life .

  3. 人生中没有一杆进洞的好事。

    There is no such thing as a hole-in-one in life .

  4. 我会告诉他我曾一杆进洞。

    I 'm gonna tell himabout the hole-in-one I got .

  5. 史蒂文昨天打了个一杆进洞。

    Steven hit a hole in one yesterday .

  6. 马戏团迷你高尔夫是款一杆进洞的高尔夫游戏!

    Circus Mini Golf is a Hole-In-One !

  7. 一杆进洞在高尔夫球赛中一杆进洞。

    To hit an ace in golf .

  8. 一杆进洞,一杆得分一杆将高尔夫球击入洞中的行为。

    The act of hitting a golf ball in the hole with one 's first shot .

  9. 爸爸在俱乐部打了个非常漂亮的一杆进洞,夺得“退休球手旋转杯”荣衔。

    At this club , when father served a clean ace to win the Retired-Wallahs Rotating Cup .

  10. 职业高尔夫球手不符合赢得“一杆进洞”奖,新的宝马汽车。

    Professional golfer does not qualify to win the " hole-in-one " prize , new BMW car .

  11. 一杆进洞是指第一次发球时便将球击入洞中。

    A hole in one is when you hit the ball in the hole on your first try .

  12. 观察风的角度,避免风力的影响,一杆进洞。

    Watch the ball wind down spiraling slopes , escape the windmill 's blade , and drop into the hole .

  13. 9位参加今年尊尼获加超级巡回赛的选手们休息日在曼谷河边试试他们一杆进洞的机会。

    The nine players in this year 's Johnny Walker Super Tour took their day off by taking their chances at hitting a hole-in-one on the Bangkok River .

  14. 曾经有一个高尔夫球手,他打了一个一杆进洞,然后转向他的伙伴说到:“我现在可以死了”&然后他倒地就死了。

    There was a case of a golfer who hit a hole in one , turned to his partner and said ," I can die now " & and then he dropped dead .

  15. 你隔多长时间才会有一次好运气或技艺特佳,能一杆让球进洞?

    How often have you been lucky or skilful enough to hole in one ?