
  • 网络Christina Grimmie;Kelly Clarkson
  1. 先证者的双亲非近亲结婚,家族中曾有一姐2年死于VTE,其余成员均无血栓事件。

    The parents of the proband were not consanguineous marriage . One of her elder sisters died of VTE two years ago . The other family members had no thrombotic history .

  2. 贾斯丁·海宁为回到世界网坛“一姐”地位而继续热身。

    Justine Henin continues warming up for a return to top-flight tennis .

  3. 对许多中国人而言,“中国一姐”是一位特立独行者。

    To many Chinese ," China 's number one sister " is a maverick .

  4. 副作用界的一姐哦。

    The Grande Dame of side effects .

  5. 尽管满口的瑞典味英语,嘉宝还是从无声电影走进有声电影,成为米高梅电影制片公司的一姐。

    Despite her Swedish accent , she successfully transitioned from silent film to " talkies " and became known as The Queen of MGM .

  6. 这对率先踏入大门的小夫妻,欣然接受了与众多好莱坞一哥一姐的“偶遇”与“造访”:握手拥抱、录像拍照,妥妥的一个环节都没少!

    The couple were first through the doors and fully embraced their impromptu meet and greet with Hollywood 's A-list , shaking hands , hugging and taking pictures and video .

  7. 现在媒体纷纷将其称为“虹桥一姐”,随即龚玉雯便要应对这猝不及防的“成名”生活、批判声以及想要从自己这里获利的媒体记者等。

    Now nicknamed " Hongqiao Diva " by the media , she had to deal with the unexpected fame , criticism , and people who want to profit from her notoriety .

  8. 在法网公开赛决赛之前,李娜已经被中国国家媒体誉为中国网球界的一姐,但是在巴黎获胜使她成为中国体育界的标志。

    Even before the French Open final , Li Na was being hailed by the state media as China 's No.1 Sister , but a win in Paris will make her a sporting icon here .

  9. Rsayef说他自己也有数名亲戚命丧此次事件中,包括一个姐(妹)和她的丈夫、一个姑姑、一个叔叔和数名表兄。

    Rsayef said he himself lost several relatives in the alleged massacre , including a sister and her husband , an aunt , an uncle and several cousins .

  10. 本周一一,水果姐胜诉之后,她更加放松了,当时,洛杉矶陪审团在DanaHllister蓄意干扰1450万修道院的出售之后,给了Katy500万美金的惩罚性赔偿.

    Katy was even more relaxed thanks to her legal win Monday when a LA jury awarded her $ 5M in punitive damages after Dana Hollister ' intentionally ' interfered in the sale of a $ 14.5M convent .

  11. 去首尔的前一天,步姐刚结束自己持续7天的特别LIVE“她的疲倦可想而知,但尽管如此,她还是顾不上先休息,就搭乘飞往首尔的班机”。

    " One step in Seoul to end his elder sister had special LIVE for seven days ," she 's tired but in spite of this , she was helping to rest , take the flight to Seoul .

  12. 韩国射箭项目的一名官员日前称,在北京奥运会上双双夺金的韩国射箭队“一哥”“一姐”可谓双喜临门,他们在奥运结束后宣布了结婚计划。

    South Korea 's top male and female archers capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended , an archery official said on Tuesday .