
  • 网络a sigh
  1. 在漆黑的屋子里老人发出一声叹息。

    The old man uttered a sigh in the dark room .

  2. 他听到茱丽叶在他头顶上方发出一声叹息。

    He heard Juliet let out a sigh above him .

  3. 这时,他突然五指箕张,嘴巴噏动,沉重地发出了一声叹息,然后倒下了。

    Then , his fingers splayed out in front of him , his mouth working heaved and fell .

  4. 这一声叹息,是人间的多少哀怨。

    Sigh This is sad how many of the world .

  5. 在错的时间遇到对的人,是一声叹息;

    Encountered the right people in the wrong time , is despair .

  6. 春天永远的逝去,那凋落的花儿一声叹息。

    The faded flower sighs that the spring has vanish for ever .

  7. 我听到一声叹息,然后是轻软的咯咯的笑声。

    I heard a sigh , and then , a soft giggle .

  8. 在错的时间赶上对于的人,是一声叹息;

    Meeting the right person at the wrong time , is a sign ;

  9. “哎!”,大姐用一声叹息开始了她的解惑之旅

    " Hey !" A Sigh started going with the uncertainty of her trip

  10. 它们没有什么曲子可唱,一声叹息,飘落在地上。

    Which have no songs , flutter and fall there with a sing .

  11. 她叹了一声叹息而且擦了她的眼睛。

    She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye .

  12. 却被他的又一声叹息,淹没。

    But drowned in another sigh from him .

  13. 考虑到这可能显得太快活了,他就用一声叹息来纠正;

    Thinking that might be too lively , he corrected it with a sigh .

  14. 他仅仅发出一声叹息作为回答。

    In answer he only fetched a sigh .

  15. 疯子,恋人,情郎!快快化作一声叹息出来吧。

    Madman , passion , lover ! Appear then in the likeness of a sigh .

  16. “哎!”,大姐又留下一声叹息,去招呼其他客人了

    " Hey !" A Sigh eldest sister also left to the circulars and other guests

  17. 他带走了她,只用一声叹息。

    He took her with a sigh .

  18. 他说似乎海洋只能深深的一声叹息。

    He said it was as if the ocean had breathed a great sigh of relief .

  19. 如果我可以回到过去,一笑置之还是一声叹息?

    If I could back to the past , stifling a laugh or with a sigh ?

  20. 在错的时间遇见对的人,是一声叹息。

    It 's the sigh as you meet a guy who is right for you in an unsuitable moment .

  21. 我们经过的日子,都在你震怒之下。我们度尽的年岁好像一声叹息。

    For all our days are passed away in thy wrath : we spend our years as a tale that is told .

  22. 随着一声叹息和滴答一声,一块石头向前移动了一段距离然后向外打开,露出一条秘密通向外面的通道。

    With a sigh and a click , a section of stone moved forward and then swung out , revealing a secret passage beyond .

  23. 所有的小桥流水的愁思,古道西风的凄凉都不过是岁月的一声叹息,人生的一段插曲。

    All the troubles of the Bridges , the west road and all the days of the life with a sigh , an episode .

  24. 其次,以《一声叹息》、《手机》和《天下无贼》这类悲喜剧风格的电影为参照,体现出多元化的主旨表达。

    Secondly , the versatile themes were expressed in tragicomedies such as " A Sigh ", " Cell Phone ", " A world without thieves " .

  25. 经过大量的推动下,她得到了第一个进入的地方,然后带着一声叹息,第二个了。

    After much pushing , she managed to get the first one into place and then , with a sigh , worked the second one on too .

  26. 但最后,随着一阵吱吱嘎嘎的声音和一声叹息,他抬起他庞大的躯体,做手势叫奴隶掌着烛火走在他前面。

    But at last with a great creaking and sighing he heaved up his enormous body , signed to the slaves to precede him with the lights , and went out .

  27. 至今我都不会忘记当他垂头丧气地说出“那我选Kevin吧”那一声沉重的叹息。真朋友,监定完毕。

    I still remember how he would let out a heavy sigh of defeat before acknowledging , " I got Kevin . " True friendship .

  28. 随着一声轻松的叹息,她又入睡了。

    With a sigh of relief , she went back to sleep .

  29. “不要发出一声渴望的叹息就像这样”

    " Don 't heave a wistful sigh like this "

  30. 他发出一声绝望的叹息,转身走开了。

    With a hopeless sigh , he turned away .