
  1. 沃伦是他们心目中的天才少年,而到了1944年年底的时候,他却成了一个问题学生。

    Warren was their gifted child , but by the end of 1944 , had become the school delinquent .

  2. 阳光依旧灿烂&一个心理问题学生的个案研究

    A Study on a Case of a Student With Psychological Problem

  3. 从学习兴趣和教学方法两个方面论述了《高等数学》课程建设需要解决的一个问题:学生的学习积极性。

    This paper discusses a chief question on improving the course of Advanced Mathematics in two aspects : students'interest in study and teaching methods .

  4. 或者老师可能要求当面(face-to-face)见一个有问题的学生的家长。

    Or a teacher might ask for a face-to-face meeting with the parents of a student in trouble .

  5. 记者:好的,下一个问题,如果学生们选择了ISP课程,他们是在国内学习一年还是国外学习一年?

    Interviewer : Ok , the next question is if the students choose ISP courses , do they study in China one year or study abroad one year ?

  6. 但正如该中心工作人员、出生于印度的人类学家克莱尔塔尔沃克(claretalwalker)所指出的,另一个问题在于,学生们越来越将援助误认为是一种单方面的馈赠。

    But the other issue , as Clare talwalker , an Indian-born anthropologist attached to the centre explained , is that it is increasingly misguided for students to view aid as a unidirectional gift .

  7. 但是这项调查发现的一个问题是很多学生缺乏信息素养。

    But one problem the survey found is that many students are lacking in digital literacy .

  8. 高校体育教学中存在的一个重要问题是学生不注重体育课。

    An important problem that students do not make a point of physical education lesson existed in Universities .

  9. 那个教授非常生气,因为一个很基本的问题学生答不上来。

    The professor went ballistic when the student didn 't know the answer to a very elementary question .

  10. 聊到这里,就涉及到了目前英语教育系统中存在的一个主要问题:日本学生不懂得学习英语的好处。

    Which brings us to the main problem with the current system : Japanese students don 't understand the benefits of learningEnglish .

  11. 另外一个问题是如何帮助学生们了解,如何利用技术,改善社会,改善世界。

    Another is , how do we help students understand how technology is used and can be used to improve our society and to improve the world .

  12. 二十世纪八十年代,外语教学讨论的一个主要问题是培养学生的语言能力还是交际能力。

    Over the last two decades , the discussion carried on in FLT ( Foreign Language Teaching ) has been concentrated on the dichotomy between grammatical competence vs. communicative competence .

  13. 学生的写作中仍存在很多问题,其中一个致命的问题:学生写出的句子不是英语句子,它们是中文式思维的中文式英语。

    One of the most fatal and unavoidable problems in students ' writing is that the sentences they have written are not real and authentic English . They are Chinglish created from the students ' Chinese thinking .