- heyday;prime;zenith;a period of great prosperity;pinnacle;at the height of power and splendour;apotheosis

It was in the 13th century that the feudal society in England was in a period of great prosperity , and greatly influenced the development of the Celtic society .
In Tang Dynasty , the silk industry is more popular ; silk varieties , production , and quality are very amazing , which make silk industry into a period of great prosperity .
It was his finest hour as manager of the England team .
His career is now at its zenith
Burghley directed england 's foreign and domestic affairs during the reign of Elizabeth I , often called england 's golden age .
For almost five centuries a very large supply of cod provided abundant raw material for an industry which at its peak employed about 40,000 people , sustaining entire communities in Newfoundland .
The heydays of grave robbers and relic thieves are over .
When John Hennessy became the tenth president of Stanford University in 2000 , silicon valley was at the height of the dot-com bubble .
By comparison , US household consumption climbed to 67 per cent of GDP at the height of Americans ' unsustainable spending binge .
Despite some setbacks since their peak sales , so-called " double decker " funds have remained popular .
The credit default swap market , once thought to be doomed , is operating at about half peak volumes .
Lord Lawson instances the old Halifax building society , which in its heyday channelled savings from the north of the UK to the more free-spending south .
First , once inflation is taken into account , Apple is smaller than Microsoft Corp. , General Electric Co. and two other tech giants at their peaks .
The big banks have access to money almost as cheaply as in 2007 , courtesy of the Fed , so bank profits are up and bonuses as generous as at the height of the boom .
The figure is 180 per cent higher than in 2000 , when , at the height of the M & A boom , the total value was $ 52bn , according to data from Thomson Financial .
Well of course , but don 't expect the record to be as breathtaking as U2 at its best .
Since Brigitte Bardot 's heyday the bikini has symbolized glamour , youth and sex appeal .
The voices on the tapes were those of old parties recalling the heyday of the fabled Beale Street , once the main street of black culture in the Mid-South .
If it is charged , this would be the second time Goldman comes in the crosshairs of the SEC for its role in underwriting mortgage bonds at the height of the financial crisis .
Mr Griffin , himself a former CNN employee , reckons that the channel has failed to move with the times by favouring the " disinterested , at-arm 's-length anchor . "
At its peak , Napster had 70 million users & a feat considering consumers were only getting their feet wet with broadband Internet service .
The money raised from the sale will be used to help pay down some of the billions of dollars that AIG owes to the US taxpayer after its rescue at the height off the financial crisis in 2008 .
The next 10 years represented the heyday of the mainframe DBMS , most of it centered on the IBM System / 360 and its successor , the System / 370 ( see sidebar , " Pre-relational DBMSs ") .
In its heyday , Mt Gox was the world 's biggest bitcoin exchange . But the platform filed for bankruptcy last year after admitting that it did not know the whereabouts of 850000 bitcoins then valued at about $ 500m .
Having made its debut in 1964 , the Mustang has been around longer than the Miata and came into its prime with the current generation .
Finally , the article pointed out that Chinese heat insulating technology of exterior-protected construction of building will be prosperously developed in 10 ~ 15 years for the future and the popularization of this technology will also be in that period .
Speaking to Mail Online today , museum curator Barry Chandler said , ' Dr Aidan Dodson , from Bristol University , looked at the design and realised it must have come from the Egyptian ' golden age - the time of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun . '
Old-style private education had reached unprecedented heyday in Ming dynasty .
In their heyday , the big firms dominated their markets .
He said the nation 's best was still to come .