
  • 网络Heihe River;black river;Rio Negro;Heho
  1. 黑河中游增泄下游水量分析&基于SPSS多重线性回归模型

    Analysis of Increased Water Quantity in the Black River by SPSS Multiple Linear Regression Model

  2. 黑河引水工程0号隧洞软岩支护及快速施工

    Soft rock support and quick construction of No.0 tunnel in water supplying engineering from black river

  3. 中国干旱内陆流域水体N、P负荷特征与动态变化&以黑河流域为例

    N and P loading features and dynamical changes in arid inland water bodies of Northwest China

  4. 基于GIS的黑河流域生态环境敏感性评价与分区

    GIS , based Assessment and Division on Eco , environmental Sensitivity in the Heihe River Basin

  5. 黑河及汉江流域MODIS叶面积指数产品质量评价

    A Quality Assessment of MODIS LAI Product in Heihe and Hanjiang River Basins

  6. 本文利用商用软件FLUENT对甘肃黑河三道湾水电站泄洪排水洞进行物理模型对照的三维数值计算。

    This paper use FLUENT software calculated the three dimensional numerical analysis of San Dao Wan hydro-power station spillway .

  7. 基于Kriging插值的黑河分水后中游地下水资源变化

    Changes analysis of groundwater resources in the middle Heihe River using Kriging methods after water redistribution

  8. 黑河流域除绿洲地区外有160万hm2的草地,进行草地分户、围栏封育、人工改良草地;

    In addition to the oasis area in the Heihe river drainage basin , there is also 1.6 million hm2 of pastureland .

  9. SLM和LPM模型日径流模拟对比分析&以陕西黑河为例

    Comparison and Analysis of the Daily Runoff Simulation in SLM and LPM Models & Based on the Heihe river

  10. VR-GIS技术在数字黑河流域飞行模拟中的应用

    Application of the VR - GIS Technology in the Digital Heihe River Basin Flying Simulation

  11. 采用长系列资料,应用LPM模型,进行大量运算获得了现状年和2010水平年的六个黑河流域水资源优化配置方案;

    Six schemes in the status year and 2010 level year were achieved by long series data and IPM after mass operation .

  12. 进而采用网格分析法和GIS技术结合的方法,针对黑河流域所在的祁连山中东部的降水分布,进行年降雨量分布的拟合研究,着重分析了模拟雨量场在空间上的复杂变化。

    By combining grid analysis method , GIS technology , as well as aiming at rainfall distribution in the middle and east of Qilian mountains , the fitting study of annual rainfall is done and the complex variation of simulated rainfall in space is analyzed .

  13. 因此,每年黑河水来水量必须保证在3.2亿m3以上才可以确保绿洲生态不恶化,不会向着逆向进行演替。

    The annual water inflow of Heihe River has to be guaranteed over than 320 million m3 , in that case , the ecological environment would not get worse and adverse succession could be prevented .

  14. 而结合F3影响因子分析,黑河绿洲可持续发展水平的潜力在空间上则表现为从上游到下游递减趋势。

    By analysis of the influence factors combining F_3 , the potential space of level in the Heihe oasis shows decreasing tendency from the upstream to the downstream .

  15. 以黑河流域为例,将vr-GIS技术应用在数字流域的飞行模拟中。

    This paper applies the Visual GIS technology to the flying simulation of digital river basin . It is a case of the Heihe River Basin .

  16. 黑河流域人口空间分布的比较结果表明中国1km格网人口数据是几种数据中与实践情况最相符合的。

    The comparing results show Chinese 1 kilometer population data has the best estimation accuracy for the Heihe River Basin population spatial distribution .

  17. 本文介绍了黑河流域的气候概况,分析了近40a流域内以气温和降水为主的气候要素变化,得出黑河流域发生了以“增暖”为主要特征的气候变化。

    Climate characteristic of Heihe field was introduced in this paper , the temperature and precipitation change in recent 40 years was analyzed also .

  18. 黑河水利枢纽的拦河大坝为粘土心墙砂砾石坝,坝高130m。

    The river retaining dam in Heihe Hydro Project , being 130 m in height , is a sandy gravel dam with the clay core wall .

  19. 应用RS和GIS技术,从研究区植被类型、土壤侵蚀、坡度、距水源距离、生物多样性和生态系统保护等方面,确定了黑河流域不适合和适合放牧的区域。

    Using RS & GIS techniques , the areas suitable for livestock grazing in the Heihe River Basin were identified based on natural conditions such as vegetation types , soil erosion , slope , distance to water , as well as the need of conservation for biological diversity and ecosystem .

  20. 以气象观测资料为基础,采用不同的方法估算了黑河中游湿草地的参考作物蒸散量(ET0),并对5种方法计算结果进行了对比。

    Based on meteorological data , different methods are used to calculate the reference evapotranspiration of swampy meadow in the middle reaches of Heihe River in Hexi Corridor .

  21. 针对分布式水文模拟的问题,结合河西走廊黑河流域实际资料条件,提出将水文循环空间数字化信息与水文系统理论相结合的分布式时变增益水循环模型(DTVGM)。

    Based on requirement of distributed hydrological modelling and considering the real conditions of the arid and semi-arid regions in China , this paper develops a Distributed Time Variant Gain Model ( DTVGM ) by coupling the mechanism and special digit information of water cycle with hydrologic system approach .

  22. 黑河干流山区流域月蒸发力计算模型

    Monthly Evaporation Capacity Model in Mountainous Region of Heihe Mainstream River

  23. 黑河大坝上游围堰防渗膜垫层料试验研究

    Bedding stuff test research for the upstream cofferdam in Heihe dam

  24. 关于黑河流域洪水资源化问题的分析探讨

    Analysis and Exploration on Flood Water Resources in Heihe River Basin

  25. 本文利用热脉冲技术对黑河下游额济纳绿洲的柽柳灌丛液流进行了测定。

    The heat-pulse technique was applied to the observation of Tamarix .

  26. 黑河流域水体化学特征及其演变规律

    Distribution and Evolution of Water Chemical Characteristics in Heihe River Basin

  27. 黑河流域浮游植物及其地理分布特征研究

    Study on geographical distrbution characteristic of phytoplankton in the Heihe valley

  28. 黑河流域地下水流数值模拟的研究进展

    Advances in numerical modeling of groundwater flow in Heihe river basin

  29. 黑河市2005~2008年度献血情况分析

    Analysis of Blood Donation in 2005 ~ 2008 at Heihe City

  30. 气候变化对黑河流域水资源影响分析

    The impact of climate change on water resources of Heihe river