
  • 网络Mafioso
  1. 他是黑手党的负责人。

    He 's a front man for the mafia .

  2. 总理先生还有沉默不语的癖好:2002年,他拒绝向起诉黑手党的公诉人提供帮助;

    The prime minister also has a habit of not answering questions.In2002 he refused to help prosecutors in an anti-Mafia case .

  3. 你想扳倒以利亚——那个一手扳倒五名黑手党头目的人——就得玩聪明点。

    You want to take down Elias , the man who took down the five dons , you got to play smarter .

  4. 黑手党中一旦有人面临法律制裁的威胁,其余的人就会一致行动,聚集起来支援他。

    As soon as one of their members was threatened by the law , the Mafia closed ranks and gathered round him .