
  • 网络Hacker culture;Hacker Way
  1. 论述了黑客文化中创新性行为的形成原因。

    This paper discusses the formation of innovation behavior of hacker culture .

  2. 开放源码运动中的黑客文化思潮

    Trend of Hacker Culture in the Open Source Movement

  3. 打造网络安全,传扬黑客文化!

    Thanks network security , creating a culture of hackers !

  4. 对黑客文化中的创新性行为进行深入的评价与建议。

    This paper gives evaluation and suggestion to the innovation behavior of hacker culture in-depth .

  5. 黑客文化的出现与发展是和信息技术的产生与发展同步的。

    The birth and development of hacker culture go side by side with that of information technology .

  6. 不过伊斯梅尔的目标是挖掘更深层次的主题,希望该剧能超越黑客文化。

    But Esmail is aiming for larger underlying themes , hoping that the show digs into more than just the culture of hacking .

  7. 黑客文化本质上是由计算机技术导致的社会信息化过程在价值观上的一种展现。

    The essence of the hacker 's culture was a representation of the social informationization , induced by the application of computer technology , on the hacker 's values .

  8. 本文具有重要的理论与实践意义,具体研究内容与成果包括:1、论述了黑客文化及其创新性行为的内涵与表现。

    This paper has important theoretical and practical significance . Specific research contents and the results are as follows : 1 . This paper discusses the connotation and performance of the hacker culture and its innovation behavior .

  9. 主张信息共享的黑客文化的产生和演变,与计算机技术从实验室中产生并应用于社会是同步的;

    The origin and development of hacker 's culture , advocating the belief of the public share on information , was synchronizing with the development of computer technology which was hatched in laboratory and applied in society later .

  10. 本文分别从社会伦理道德的角度、科技进步的角度、信息产业发展的角度几个方面对黑客文化中的创新性行为进行评价与建议。

    This paper respectively from the view angles of social ethics , the influence of the progress of science and technology , the information industry development , three aspects of the innovation behavior of hacker culture gives evaluation and suggestion .

  11. 这部影片借鉴了许多关于网络朋客以及黑客次文化的信息。

    The film contains many references to cyberpunk and hacker subcultures .

  12. 黑客亚文化群体简论

    On the Subculture Group of Hacker

  13. 这里出现了黑客的亚文化群--云集于此的有资深玩家、电话飞客、电子朋克、业余爱好�

    There was a hacker subculture -- filled with wireheads , phreakers , cyberpunks , hobbyists ,

  14. 相关的研究较多局限于对黑客及黑客文化所造成的破坏进行研究,集中于如何限制黑客文化的破坏性影响。

    The related researches are more limited to destruction influence caused by hackers and hacker culture , focused on how to limit the destruction of the hacker culture .

  15. 初期的黑客、黑客文化、黑客精神在推动计算机产生、发展以及捍卫网络自由方面曾作出过自己的贡献。

    At the beginning , hacker , hacker culture and hacker spirit have contributed to the promotion of the emergence and development of computer and the protection of the freedom of net .

  16. 黑客现象及其法文化意蕴

    The Phenomenon of Hacker and its Implications in the Legal Culture

  17. 黑客伦理作为黑客亚文化群的行为准则,既可能导致危及信息安全的行为,也可能具有一定的积极的道德意义。

    Hacker ethic , as the behavioral rules of hacker subculture , leads to the damage to information security and active moral meaning as well .

  18. 然而,黑客是掌握着先进技术的群体,黑客文化是具有积极一面的文化,对此进行的研究非常缺乏。

    However , hackers are a group that is holding advanced technology . Hacker culture has a positive side of culture . The studies about positive side of hacker culture are very lack .