
hēi kè
  • hacker
  1. 如果苹果公司被迫编写代码让联邦调查局进入圣贝纳迪诺袭击者赛义德·里兹万·法鲁克用过的iPhone5c的话,如果某个黑客获取了这些代码、用来入侵其他设备,那谁来负责呢?

    If Apple is forced to write code that lets the F.B.I. get into the Phone 5c used by Syed Rizwan Farook , the male attacker in the San Bernardino attack , who would be responsible if some hacker got hold of that code and broke into its other devices ?

  2. 上周这个网站被黑客攻击了。

    This site was attacked by a hacker last week .

  3. 新技术应该能提供安全可靠的防火墙抵御黑客袭击。

    New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers .

  4. 据说黑客们已经开始传播一种新的电脑病毒。

    Hackers are said to have started a computer virus .

  5. 一直挂在线上会使你的个人电脑更容易被黑客攻击。

    ADSL is always on , which makes your PC much more vulnerable to hacking .

  6. Target和Neiman受到的黑客攻击也改变了成本计算:尽管零售商不愿按凯捷咨询公司估计的那样花费67.5亿美元让所有注册机兼容芯片密码,但他们现在面临的潜在责任要大得多。

    The Target and Neiman hacks have also changed the cost calculation : although retailers have been reluctant to spend the $ 6.75 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible , the potential liability they now face is dramatically greater .

  7. 塔吉特遭到了受到黑客攻击的消费者的集体诉讼。

    Target has been hit with class actions from hacked consumers .

  8. 你的重要帐户信息存储在第二个轨道上,黑客试图捕获的就是这些信息。

    Your vital account information lives on the second track , which hackers try to capture .

  9. 黑客随后将这些数据卖给了在网络阴暗角落活动的第二批罪犯。

    Hackers then sold the data to a second group of criminals operating in shadowy corners of the web .

  10. 多达18%的人甚至退还过设备,除非他们能够保证自己的敏感信息不被黑客攻击。

    A full 18 percent have even returned devices until they feel they can get safer guarantees against having their sensitive information hacked .

  11. 到目前为止,信用卡发行商已经计算出,即使是承担塔吉特遭受的这种大型黑客攻击,也比更换所有的塑料卡要便宜。

    Card issuers have so far calculated that absorbing the liability for even big hacks like the Target one is still cheaper than replacing all that plastic .

  12. 不过,在可预见的未来,信用卡和借记卡将与我们同在,而如果我们坚持使用磁条技术的话,黑客也将一直存在。

    Credit and debit cards , though , are going to be with us for the foreseeable future , and so are hackers , if we stick with magstripe technology .

  13. 在最近发生的几起事件中,黑客通过在零售商销售点系统的收银台上秘密插入恶意软件获得了大量的信用卡、借记卡或预付卡号码信息。

    In several recent incidents , hackers have been able to obtain massive information of credit-debit - or prepaid-card numbers using malware , i. e.malicious software , inserted secretly into the retailers ' point-of-sale system — the checkout registers .

  14. 摩根大通首席执行官杰米•戴蒙最近表示愿意这样做,他指出,过去10年来,银行和商户一直在就交换费(它们所持有的交易价格的百分比)相互起诉,而没有处理日益严重的黑客问题。

    JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon recently expressed his willingness to do so , noting that banks and merchants have spent the past decade suing each other over interchange fees — the percentage of the transaction price they keep — rather than deal with the growing hacking problem .

  15. 所以在2014年,一场重大决战正在形成:银行、执法部门和科技公司都在试图阻止正在成功窃取账号、姓名、电子邮件地址和其他用于身份盗窃的关键数据的黑客网络。

    That 's why 2014 is shaping up as a major showdown : banks , law enforcement and technology companies are all trying to stop a network of hackers who are succeeding in stealing account numbers , names , email addresses and other crucial data used in identity theft .

  16. 因此,尽管有很多黑客可以创办初创企业,但没有人可以投资他们。

    So while there 're plenty of hackerswho could start startups , there 's no one to invest in them .

  17. 另外,由于智能家居系统允许其主人从任何地方获取家庭信息,这使得家庭很容易受到黑客的攻击,黑客可能会秘密使用或更改系统中的信息。

    Also , because the smart home system allows its owner to get home information from anywhere , it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers , who may secretly use or change the information in the system .

  18. “P值黑客”是指操作科学数据,从而使结果看上去具有统计学意义的行为。

    P-hacking refers to the practice of manipulating scientific data so that the results appear to be statistically significant .

  19. 这个计算机黑客自称他来自俄罗斯。

    The computer hacker wrote that he was from Russia .

  20. Hackerazzi(黑客狗仔)指入侵名人的电子邮件帐户以获取并搜寻名人隐私信息的网络犯罪分子。

    Hackerazzi are cybercriminals who hack pictures and sell them to newspapers and magazines . For example :

  21. 他们考虑来自外部的感染公司的病毒,他们设想黑客侵入到信息宝库中

    They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside.They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults .

  22. “充电座盗取数据”指从一部使用被黑客入侵的公共插座充电的便携设备上,偷取数据。

    Juice jacking refers to stealing data from a portable device that is plugged into a hacked public charging station .

  23. 杰克逊维尔这名所谓的“黑客狗仔”低着头承认他曾经入侵过名人的电邮帐号,并对窃听以及非法入侵电脑等罪行供认不讳。他将面临60年的监禁。

    With his head hung low , Jacksonville 's so-called hackerazzi admits he hacked into the email accounts of celebrities . He faces up to 60 years in prison after pleading guilty to wiretapping and unauthorized access to a computer .

  24. Internet安全和防火墙技术此外,防火墙无法防御内部黑客。

    Internet Sacurity And Firewall Technology ; In addition , firewalls are no defence against internal hackers .

  25. 由于网络技术日趋成熟,黑客们逐步将注意力从以往对网络服务器的攻击转移到对Web应用的攻击。

    With the development of the network technology , hackers gradually attack the Web applications instead of network servers .

  26. 黑客使用中国IP发动攻击。

    Hackers use Chinese IPs to launch attacks .

  27. 随着Internet的迅猛发展和广泛应用,计算机病毒及黑客的破坏活动也随之猖獗,网络的信息安全问题已显得日益突出。

    With the rapid development of Internet and the comprehensive application , the virus and the hacker 's destruct is also rampant .

  28. IDS中的黑客信息提取GPS水平位移时间序列地震短期信息特征分析

    Analyzing the characteristics of short-term anomalous information of GPS time-series data before earthquake

  29. 成为一名伟大的工程师、设计师、产品经理、营销专家、销售代表或所谓的增长黑客(Growthhacker)。

    Become a great engineer . Designer . Product manager . Marketer . Sales rep. Growth hacker .

  30. 黑客们新的攻击领域是构建于Web服务和XML之上的系统,正是由于这些系统的普及和不成熟的原因。

    The new frontier for hackers is systems built on Web services and XML , seen as inviting due to their popularity and immaturity .