
  • 网络Yellow fever vaccine;YF-VAX
  1. 黄热病疫苗在人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者中的安全性和效能一直是一个非常重要但尚未解决的问题。

    A critical and unresolved issue is the safety and efficacy of yellow fever vaccine in human subjects infected with immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) .

  2. 该国已经要求黄热病疫苗供应国际协调小组(YF-ICG)提供支持,该小组管理全球黄热病疫苗应急储备。

    The country has requested support from the International Coordinating Group on Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision ( YF-ICG ), which manages the global emergency stockpile of yellow fever vaccine .

  3. 将使用黄热病疫苗供应国际协调小组(YF-ICG)为2010年国家大众预防活动提供的由全球疫苗和免疫联盟资助的疫苗。

    GAVI-funded vaccines released by the International Coordinating Group on Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision ( YF-ICG ) for the2010 country mass preventive campaign will be used .

  4. 使用的黄热病疫苗必须经世卫组织批准。

    The yellow fever vaccine used must be approved by WHO .

  5. 如何鉴别不宜接种黄热病疫苗的人群

    How to Distinguish Populations for Inadvisable Inoculation of Yellow Fever Vaccine

  6. 这样他就有可能对黄热病疫苗有反应。

    He could have a severe reaction to the yellow fever vaccine .

  7. 另外,你需要有黄热病疫苗的证明喔。

    You also need proof of a Yellow Fever vaccine .

  8. 两个病例均没有黄热病疫苗接种史。

    None of the cases had a history of yellow fever vaccination .

  9. 病人没有黄热病疫苗接种史。

    He had no history of yellow fever vaccination .

  10. 黄热病疫苗接种所致不良反应及防控措施

    Adverse reaction caused by inoculation yellow fever bacterin and its prevention and control measure

  11. 1例黄热病疫苗引发的嗜内脏损害反应患者的护理

    Nursing care of a patient with visceral injury caused by injection of yellow fever vaccine

  12. 在生命的早期接种黄热病疫苗,也是受影响国家所采取的一项关键策略。

    Vaccination against yellow fever early in life is also a crucial strategy in affected countries .

  13. 黄热病疫苗短缺问题已由调动本区域国家现有疫苗解决。

    Yellow fever vaccines shortage has been addressed by mobilizing vaccines available in countries of the region .

  14. 世卫组织大力推荐在有感染此种疾病危险的地区对儿童进行黄热病疫苗常规接种。

    WHO strongly recommends routine yellow fever vaccination for children in areas at risk for the disease .

  15. 世卫组织担当黄热病疫苗供应国际协调小组的秘书处。

    WHO is the Secretariat for the International Coordinating Group for Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision ( ICG ) .

  16. 1988年,WHO首次建议,处在危险中的国家应将黄热病疫苗纳入常规儿童免疫计划。

    In1988 , WHO first recommended that at-risk countries incorporate yellow fever vaccine into the routine childhood immunization programmes .

  17. 本人有相应的黄热病疫苗预防接种禁忌症和慎用症,特此声明。

    I hereby make the declaration that the applicant has corresponding contraindications and precautions to vaccination against yellow fever .

  18. 在呈地方性流行的国家,在九个月龄时接种黄热病疫苗,作为婴儿常规免疫的一部分;

    Administering yellow fever vaccine in endemic countries as part of routine infant immunization at the age of nine months ;

  19. 协调小组维持一个黄热病疫苗应急储备,以确保迅速应对高危国家中所出现的疫情。

    The ICG maintains an emergency stockpile of yellow fever vaccines to ensure rapid response to outbreaks in high risk countries .

  20. 旅行者,尤其是从非洲或拉丁美洲前往亚洲的旅行者,必须有黄热病疫苗接种证明。

    Travelers , particularly those arriving to Asia from Africa or Latin America must have a certificate of yellow fever vaccination .

  21. 与黄热病疫苗接种的嗜内脏型并发症不同,在美国发现的嗜神经型病例尚无病人死亡的报道。

    Unlike the viscerotropic complications of yellow fever vaccination , reported neurotropic cases from the United States have not been fatal .

  22. 特立尼特和多巴哥是1980年美洲第一个把黄热病疫苗引人其国家免疫规划的国家。

    Trinidad and Tobago was the first country in the Americas to introduce yellow fever vaccine in the national immunization programme in1980 .

  23. 黄热病疫苗是安全的,且收费适宜,可使95%的疫苗接种者在一周内产生有效抵御黄热病的免疫力。

    The yellow fever vaccine is safe and affordable , providing effective immunity against yellow fever within one week for95 % of those vaccinated .

  24. 病人是奥迭内区萨曼提桂纳卫生区克尼古阿拉村未接种黄热病疫苗的一名学生。

    He was a student in Kenigouara village , health area of Samantiguila , in Odienne district and had no history of yellow fever vaccination .

  25. 由于最近的接种运动,在非洲12个最脆弱国家中,5个国家的多数儿童和成人接种了黄热病疫苗。

    Most children and adults in five of the12 most vulnerable countries in Africa are now protected from contracting yellow fever thanks to recent vaccination campaigns .

  26. 从全球疫苗和免疫联盟应急疫苗储存提供的170万剂黄热病疫苗于本周末抵达苏丹。

    The1.7 million doses of yellow fever vaccine from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization ( GAVI ) emergency vaccine stockpile arrived in Sudan this week-end .

  27. 该要求已经国际协调小组审查和接受,170万剂黄热病疫苗将于下周抵达苏丹。

    The request has been reviewed and accepted by the International Coordinating Group and1.7 million doses of yellow fever vaccine will be arriving in Sudan next week .

  28. 对黄热病疫苗,他会有严重过敏反应,连床都下不了,更别说什么出国了。

    He could have a severe reaction to the yellow fever vaccine , and he won 't be getting out of bed , let alone leaving the country .

  29. 目的探讨黄热病疫苗接种所致严重不良反应、引起不良反应的危险因子、危险人群及结合工作实际提出防控措施。

    Objective To discuss the Severe Adverse Vaccine-Associated Disease ( SAVAD ) after yellow fever vaccine , the risk factors , susceptible people and the preventing and controlling methods .

  30. 此外,应该认识到,黄热病疫苗常规接种项目并没有受到上述危险-效益比的影响,因为这些比值对于生活在黄热病流行国家的目标人群来说并不适用。

    Furthermore , care should be taken that routine yellow fever vaccination programmes are not jeopardized by risk – benefit ratios that may be inapplicable to the target populations in endemic countries .