
huáng tóng kuàng
  • chalcopyrite
  1. 3d过渡金属掺杂II-IV-V2黄铜矿半导体的电磁性质

    Electronic and magnetic properties of 3d transition metal-doped II-IV-V_2 chalcopyrite semiconductor

  2. f菌比较适合低品位黄铜矿的浸出。

    F. suits the leaching of low grade chalcopyrite ore .

  3. f菌以及浸出低品位黄铜矿的效果。

    F , and the bioleaching results of the low grade chalcopyrite with mutated T.

  4. f菌产生较明显的变异,能较好地提高菌种的活性和对低品位黄铜矿的生物浸出性能。

    F , which could improve its bio-activity and its bio-leaching properties for low grade chalcopyrite ores .

  5. 研究了新型有机抑制剂RC在黄铜矿和黄铁矿浮选分离中的作用。

    A new type of organic restrainer RC is introduced for separation of pyrite from chalcopyrite .

  6. 对黄铁矿及黄铜矿进行了Pb同位素的测定,显示成矿流体中的成矿物质来源于地幔。

    Pyrite and chalcopyrite were measured Pb isotopes show that the minerals of ore-forming fluid from the mantle .

  7. 用PAC作捕收剂时黄铜矿和黄铁矿的浮游性研究

    Floatability of chalcopyrite and pyrite by using new collector PAC

  8. 辉铜矿、黄铜矿和斑铜矿的溶解动力学:Ⅰ.温度、pH和NaCl浓度的影响

    Kinetics of dissolution of chalcocite , chalcopyrite and bornite : ⅰ . the effects of temperature , pH and NaCl concentration

  9. 黄铜矿半导体DMS的第一原理计算

    First Principle Study of Chalcopyrite Semiconductor Base DMS

  10. Na2S2O3和CuSO4与黄铜矿相互作用的研究

    Interaction of chalcopyrite with na_2s_2o_3 and cuso_4

  11. 黄铜矿硫化焙烧浸溶制备纳米CIO粉

    Preparation of Copper Indium Oxide Nanometer Powders by A Method for Sulfidation Roasting and Leaching Chalcopyrite

  12. 黄铜矿中液态包裹体Rb-Sr同位素测定方法研究

    Studies on Determination of Rb-Sr isotope of liquid inclusions in chalcopyrite

  13. 结果表明细菌表面EPS的存在是其吸附于黄铁矿和黄铜矿表面的一个重要因素。

    The results indicated that the presence of EPS on the cell is an important factor for the attachment to chalcopyrite and pyrite .

  14. 发现黄铜矿,黄铁矿的分离浮选不仅依靠矿浆高pH值和高氧化作用,而且,当使用化学药剂调节矿浆电位时,还与所使用的调整剂的化学组成有关。

    Results demonstrate that the separating flotation of chalcopyrite and pyrite depends not only on high pH value and oxidation in pulp , but also on pulp potential and components of chemicals used .

  15. 矿源岩中以辉铜矿和黄铜矿最有利于溶解和迁移,NaCl对Cu的溶解和含矿流体的形成起了催化作用。

    In source rock , chalcocite and chalcopyrite are favorable minerals to dissolution and transporting of Cu , and NaCl catalyzes dissolution of Cu and formation of Cu-bearing fluid .

  16. KMnO4、H2O2、CaCl2几乎都不改变黄铜矿的可浮性,但都能一定程度的抑制黄铁矿。

    While KMnO_4 , H_2O_2 and CaCl_2 can hardly change the flotability of chalcopyrite , but they will depress pyrite to a certain extent .

  17. CIGS是一种Ⅰ-Ⅲ-Ⅵ族四元化合物直接带隙的半导体材料,黄铜矿的晶体结构。

    CIGS is aI-III-VI family compound semiconductor materials , has a crystal structure of chalcopyrite .

  18. 综合运用电化学和表面化学原理,开发了一种适应于硫化矿混合精矿中抑制黄铜矿的新药剂CD(带有SH,OH官能团)。

    According to the principles of electrochemistry and surface chemistry , a new agent with SH and OH function groups ( CD ) is prepared for depressing chalcopyrite in bulk sulfide concentrate .

  19. 研究表明,黄铜矿自诱导浮选良好,有较宽的电位和pH范围;弱酸性和碱性介质中,黄铁矿自诱导浮选较差,没有电位范围。

    The experiment investigation shows that chalcopyrite has good self-inducing flotability and a wider range of potential and pH , and in weak acid or alkaline medium pyrite has poorer self-inducing flotability and no range of potential .

  20. 实验结果表明,不同温度和初始pH值对浸矿微生物的群落结构、功能及其黄铜矿的浸出率有显著影响,其中温度的影响最大。

    The results indicated that the temperatures and initial pH values had a significant effect on the community structure , its function change and the bioleaching rate of chalcopyrite , in which the impact temperatures were more obvious .

  21. 黄铜矿中Cu浸出愈多,表面生成的元素硫愈多,黄铁矿细菌浸出时,表面不会有元素硫产生。

    During bio-leaching , to the chalcopyrite , the more Cu is leached , the more element sulfur can form on the mineral surface , but to the pyrite , no element sulfur is on the surface .

  22. 研究结果表明,在低碱条件下,Na2S对黄铜矿、黄铁矿基本没有抑制性能;

    Results show that Na_2S basically has no depressing action on pyrite and chalcopyrite under low-alkaline condition .

  23. f菌提高了37.4%,对黄铜矿的浸出率提高了11.5%,达到浸出终点的时间比原始T.f菌减少了5~10d。

    Its leaching rate for chalcopyrite ore was improved by 11.5 % and the leaching time was reduced by 5 ~ 10 days .

  24. 研究了Na2S、KMnO4、H2O2、CaCl2、Ca(ClO)2等多种无机氧化剂对黄铁矿、黄铜矿可浮性的影响。

    Effects of several inorganic depressant of Na_2S , KMnO_4 , H_2O_2 , CaCl_2 and Ca ( ClO ) _2 on the flotability of pyrite and chalcopyrite have been studied .

  25. 捕收剂CSU-A与黄铜矿作用机理

    Reacting mechanism of new collector CSU-A with chalcopyrite

  26. Ga掺杂不改变CISe粉体的黄铜矿结构,而S掺杂使得粉体物相往纤锌矿转变。

    Ga-doping does not change the chalcopyrite structure of CISe powders , while S-doping results in the samples ' phase being transferred to the wurtzite structure .

  27. 浮选实验,电化学研究表明,黄铜矿表现出较差的硫化钠诱导浮选行为,而黄铁矿则很好。硫化钠诱导浮选机理是由于HS-离子在矿物表面氧化产生疏水性的元素S0所致;

    In the light of flotation tests and electrochemical studies , pyrite exhibited good Na 2S-induced flotation , but that of chalcopyrite was depressed by Na 2S .

  28. 通过矿物浮选实验、吸附量测试以及红外光谱分析,研究CSUA与黄铜矿和黄铁矿相互作用的规律。

    The interaction of CSU-A with chalcopyrite and pyrite was studied by mineral flotation test , absorption measurement and infrared spectrum analysis .

  29. 本文基于溶液各组成同时处于平衡的热力学原理,分析了CuFesCl~-H2O系的热力学平衡,从而绘制了黄铜矿Cl~-H2O系的电位pH图。

    Based on the thermodynamic principle that all species of solution are in simultaneous equilibrium , this paper has analyzed the thermodynamic equi - librium of Cu Fe S Cl H_2O system and represented it by constructing the potential pH diagram of chalcopyrite-Cl ~ H_2O system .

  30. 主要的金属矿物是黄铜矿和黄铁矿,脉石主要以Si02以及镁铝尖晶石为主。

    The main metal mineral is chalcopyrite and pyrite , the gangue mainly SiO2 and magnesium aluminate spinel .