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  • Bo Huang;House of Indonesia
  1. 银屏之上,赵又廷饰演的正义警察同黄渤饰演的黑帮滑头之间引发了一场化学反应。

    There is sparkling on-screen chemistry between Chao and Huang as the righteous cop and the smart-mouthed gangster .

  2. 中国男演员涂们击败了知名对手,包括中日混血的金城武和前金马奖获奖者黄渤,摘得了最佳男演员的桂冠。

    Chinese actor Tu Men beat better-known rivals , including Taiwanese-Japanese heart-throb Takeshi Kaneshiro and former Golden Horse winner Huang Bo , to claim the best actor title .

  3. 包括著名演员黄渤,周迅和黄磊等在内的11位中国明星将在本部电影里担任主要角色的配音工作。此外,中国也是第一批可以观赏到该电影英文版本的国家

    Some 11 Chinese actors have lent their voices to the main characters , including actor Huang Bo , actress Zhou Xun and actor Huang Lei . In addition , China will also be among the first batch of countries to see the English version of the film .