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  • Huang Xiaoming;Xiaoming Huang;WithMing;lovemingzone
  1. 黄晓明在2014年的一次采访中为baby辩解过:“在我看来baby有时候看起来真的挺丑的,我不是傻子,我当然能看出她没整过容,有时她素颜的样子真的很像那些难看的照片。”

    Huang has previously defended the actress , saying in a 2014 interview : " Actually she sometimes looks quite ugly to me . I 'm not an idiot , I definitely can tell she hasn 't had plastic surgery , sometimes she doesn 't put on make up and she really looks like those ugly pictures of her . "

  2. 约会六年后,黄晓明和杨颖终成眷属。

    After dating for six years , Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy finally get married !

  3. 而黄晓明则是在进军大荧幕之前,在电视圈中获得了成功。

    Huang Xiaoming got his break in television shows before heading for the big screen .

  4. 这个男人确实很像黄晓明,因为彭浩翔请来黄晓明客串这一角色。

    The man really does look like Huang , and Pang invited Huang to make a cameo .

  5. 她的丈夫、39岁的演员黄晓明就陪在她的身边,一起迎接他们孩子的诞生。

    Her husband , 39-year-old actor Huang Xiaoming , was right by her side as the couple welcomed their new bundle of joy .

  6. Angelababy于上周四和黄晓明举行了婚礼,婚礼堪称中国有史以来最大最奢华的明星婚礼之一,据报道该婚礼花费了2亿元人民币。

    Angelababy married Huang last Thursday in one of the biggest and most lavish celebrity weddings China had seen , which reportedly cost 200 million yuan .

  7. 这次检查发生在她与演员黄晓明婚礼的一周后,媒体对这场婚礼进行了大幅报道。黄晓明之前也为妻子辩解过,称她有时候看起来真的挺丑的。

    It came a week after her widely-publicised wedding to actor Huang Xiaoming , who has defended her , saying she " sometimes looks quite ugly . "

  8. 周杰伦凭借《依然范特西》获得新城最佳专辑,而由演员转型为歌手的黄晓明也获得中国内地最佳偶像歌手。

    Jay Chou was also honored with Metro Radio album of Asia for " still fantasy ," and actor-turned-singer Huang Xiaoming was awarded idol singer of the Chinese mainland .

  9. 对此,黄晓明却无奈的说自己没办法,“只有这套衣服,所以就穿了”。

    " In response , Huang Xiaoming said that he didn 't have many clothes to choose ," I only have this set of clothes , so I wore .

  10. 黄晓明,中国演员兼商人,人气明星Angelababy的老公,主演电影,要价是1500万元(225万美元)。

    Chinese actor and entrepreneur Huang Xiaoming , husband of megastar Angelababy , charges film studios around 15 million yuan ( 2.25 million US dollars ) for him to star in their movies .

  11. 电影从这对恋人七年后的重逢开始讲起。七年前,何以琛(黄晓明饰)和赵默笙(杨幂饰)因为误会和家人的反对而分手;七年后,他们二人在超市偶遇(重启了未了的缘分)。

    The story begins when He Yichen ( Huang Xiaoming ) and Zhao Mosheng ( Yang Mi ) bump into each other at a grocery store after a seven-year-long separation caused by misunderstandings and familial disapproval .

  12. 而即将开拍的《如懿传》,周迅同该片男主角扮演者霍建华,二人共计拿走1.5亿元人民币(2250万美元)。第四位:黄晓明。

    She and fellow leading actor will star in the upcoming TV series Ruyi 's Royal Love in the Palace , with both stars set to receive close to 150 million yuan ( 22.5 million US dollars ) combined .

  13. 黄晓明非常想要一个孩子,他已经37岁了,可是杨颖却只有26岁,在很多场合黄晓明都表达了这个想法,黄晓明之前还许愿,希望自己可以在40岁之前得子。

    While Angelababy is only be 26 years old , 37-year-old Xiaoming is anxious to have a baby very soon . Expressing his love for children on numerous occasions , Xiaoming previously revealed that he wished to have his first child before he turns 40 years old .

  14. 一个例子就是:春娇同意与一位据称长得超像中国版罗伯特帕丁森&黄晓明的男人相亲。但她突然生病,所以一位相貌平平的朋友假装成她前去相亲。

    An example of this is when Cherie agrees to a blind date with a man whom she is told looks like Robert Pattinson ` s Chinese counterpart Huang Xiaoming , but suddenly gets sick . So her unattractive friend pretends to be her and goes in her stead .