- 名oval face

[oval face;shape of ones face like egg] 脸的上部稍圆,下部略尖,形似鹅蛋
He was a man in his late thirties , with fine , dark hair and a pale oval face .
Or , you can break up a long oval face by parting your hair to one side .
Their faces are oval with sharp , pointed chins that seem to have undergone a certain procedure called V-line surgery .
However , some oval faces tend to be on thelong side .
In ancient Greece an egg-shaped face was the ideal of female beauty .
A face shaped like a goose egg and double eyelids were favorite , it showed .
The extra length will help elongate a full face , making it appear more oval .
If your face is oval , you have a lot of freedom when it comes to frame selection .
She sat smiling , rare speaking , her face was slim pointed oval , her long bangs kept abreast of eyebrows , and she wore her hair in two bun .
This is very much angular face and now I have a much more ovally looking face , the roundness is gone a little bit and I 'm left with something much more angular .
Mainly there are round faces , of course , square faces , angular faces which many would describe as oval , oval faces , but seems to be the most desirable face shape , the Mona Lisa apparently had the most beautiful oval face , part of the attraction , I don 't know .