
In summer , the laying rate of the layers in treatment group fed on the diets with animal fat and that of the control group without animal fat were 85.7 % and 79.2 % respectively .
Effectiveness of α linolenic acid to enrich DHA and EPA in egg yolk was studied . Ninety six laying hens were fed four diets supplemented with 0,2 % , 5 % or 8 % linseed oil for six weeks .
The feed effect of Taoyuan chickens ration on different nutrition level
I wonder if she 'd believe it was chicken George day .
Effects of Adding Animal Fat into Layer Diets in Summer on Laying Performance
Effects of three kinds of butyrate salts were studied by adding in layer diets .
High Lipid Diet Effects on Laying Performance , Blood Fat and Cholesterol Concentration of Egg Yolk
The influence of poplar leaf on the utilization rate of the protein and fat in laying hen
Under the same immunizing dosage , the younger the immunized chickens were , the slower the antibody level increased , and the smaller the increasing amplitude was .
The preparation , Utilization of Citrus peel meal in diets of broilers and laying hens , and content determination of nutrient composition in proximate and mico-ingredient of Citrus peel meal were discussed inyo detail .
The experiment was carried out to determine the metabolizable energy equivalent value of two xylanase enzymes in five kinds of energy feed ingredients and six kinds of diets for layers by force feeding cockerels .
The new type feather meal made by hydrolysis and enzymolysis substituted the hydrolyzed feather meal and the soybean meal for 3 % respectively and substituted the fish meal for 1 . 5 % in the laying-hen feeding diets .
IBDV antibodies in serum samples of all chickens were negative at 21-day-age .
Studies on tre dietary energy and protein levels for Taihe chicks
It was also showed that the phytase activity increased with the chickens aged .
Results The physiological values of 1 day old show no differences between male and female ;
The appropriate dietary zinc supplementation for white Chengdu chicks and the effect of zinc deficiency on sulfur amino acid utilization
Amino acid levels for diet in Yellow-shin-silkie chickens were calculated according to the general requirement and the average daily feed intake .
But in the lately diets of GuShi chicks , levels of essential amino acids were lower than the recommendations of 1986 standard except Gly and Ser .
Effects of chicken breeds and Feed Nutritive levels on the parameters of Gompertz growth model
Chickens in the experiment group were fed on a diet with 0.8 ppm Clenbuterol ( CL ) supplementation from 10 to 59 days of age .
Research of optimum crude protein diets in middle-laying period on Hidden white-feather breeding hen
Group 3 kill 10-day and 15-day chicks , their pathological changes are very clear .
Chicks fed 1 % CLA diet produced more lysozyme at age of 21 d compared with the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .
The Microstructure of the Digestive Organ of the Chick Embryo
The result showed that the group with metabolizable energy for 11.70 MJ / kg and crude protein for 17 % was the best feeding result of daily gain , daily intake , feed conversion rate and economic effect .
The results showed that the total heat production ( THP ) and sensible heat production ( SHP ) have significant correlation with pullet ′ s day old ;
Three groups of chickens were vaccinated with attenuated vaccines of Newcastle disease on 7 day-old , with three different immune procedures . HI antibodies were detected on 10 day-old and 18 day-old .