
  • 网络totemic myth
  1. 猪图腾神话的演变与图腾崇拜观念的变异

    The Evolution of Pig Totem Myth and the Variation of Totemism Concept

  2. 《左传》中具有原始神话意象的材料可分为英雄神话、图腾神话及自然神话三类。

    The myths in Zuo Zhuan can be divided into three typles : heroic myth , totem myth and nature myth .

  3. 玄鸟神话记录了上古庆祝春天来临仪式,是最早见于文字记载的鸟图腾神话,且含有天鹅处女型故事中普遍流传的沐浴母题。

    Myth of bird recorded the ceremony of spring and had bathing motif which was popular in the swan - maiden - type story .

  4. 以中国上古神话中的图腾神话为纲,能对《说文解字》中相关汉字的字形、语义及背后所隐含的文化信息作科学分析。

    According to Chinese myths , the grapheme , meaning and cultural information of related Chinese characters in Shuowen Jiezi could be analyzed scientifically .

  5. 对神话原型的探析,从感生神话与图腾神话两个角度分析出僧人神异的出生与在修行中封自然界凶兽的度脱,体现出对远古记忆轨迹的重复。

    Based on the analysis of myth prototype , from the myth and totem myth , we get the monks birth and the practice of the degrees of nature fierce beast and this reflects the repetition of the trajectory of the ancient memory .

  6. 图腾、神话主角与原型置换&鹰/蛇文化符号的人类学阐释

    Totem , Heroes of Myth and Prototype Displacement

  7. 以此来再度认识中国神话,并重新观照和审视图腾现象与神话起源将会更加有意义。

    On this basis , it is more meaningful to renew the understanding of Chinese myth , and to observe and re examine the phenomenon of totem and the origin of myth .

  8. 原始人类早期的巫术活动、图腾崇拜、神话传说等一系列原始活动,是对早期人类原始观念的抽象,早期人类的洞窟岩画、图腾形象具有很强的符号象征性。

    The original human early occult activity , totem worship , myths , legends and so on a series of original activities , is to the original idea of early human of the abstract , early human cave paintings , totem image has a strong symbolic symbolic .

  9. 这种图腾图案,与神话相通,与巫术混融,与艺术相互渗透,它是一种多职能的混融性结构,也是一种若干社会需求的愿望同时借诸实现的形式。

    This totem pattern , connected with myths , mixed with witchcraft , and interwoven the art , is not only a multi-functional structure in Southwest , but also a number of social needs which they are expressed through various forms their desire to achieve .

  10. 但也存在一定的差异性,如蒙古族自古以来就有天鹅图腾信仰以及有关图腾神话、传说,因此其天鹅仙女故事的系统是比较完整的。

    However , there are also some differences . Such as , since ancient times , Mongolians have faith in the Swan totem as well as totem myths , legends , fairy stories . Therefore , Swan system is relatively completed .