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  • variegated carp
  • 〔~鱼〕身体暗黑色,头很大,生活在淡水中,为重要食用鱼。俗称“胖头鱼”。

  • (鱅)

  1. 鳙小卫星DNA的克隆

    Cloning of minisatellite DNA from bighead carp

  2. 长江中下游鲢鳙草青四大家鱼线粒体DNA多样性分析

    Diversity of mitochondrial DNA in the populations of silver carp , bighead carp , grass carp and black carp in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

  3. 据Pope世代分析法估算鲢鳙群体的补充量。

    The recruitment for silver carp and bighead carp stocks is assessed by Pope cohort analysis method .

  4. 用常规显微注射法将鲤鱼总DNA注入鲮鱼受精卵,并将受精卵培育成鱼种。鳙小卫星DNA的克隆

    In this paper , We microinjected carp DNA into mud carp ( Cirrhina molitorella ) fertilized eggs , and then established the experimental mud carp . Cloning of minisatellite DNA from bighead carp

  5. 通过测定水体初级生产力,推算出鲢、鳙的鱼产潜力为119.1万kg。

    The fish productivity of silver carp and bighead carp was 1.19 × 10 ~ 6 kg in Nanwan reservoir based on the measurement of the elementary productivity of water body .

  6. 运用40个10碱基随机引物对长江中游鳙(Aristchthysnobilis)的遗传多样性进行了随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分析。

    Genetic diversity analysis of bighead carp ( Aristichthys nobilis ) from the Yangtze River was carried out by RAPD technigue using 40 random oligonucleotide primers ( 10 mer each ) .

  7. 本文测定了鳙、团头鲂和乌鳢三种养殖淡水鱼即杀死后在5℃贮藏过程中糖元、乳酸含量和pH值的变化。

    Post-mortem variations of glycogen , lactic acid content and pH value of three species of cultured freshwater fishes i. e. bighead carp , blunt snout bream and snakehead fish , during the stroage at 5 ℃ were studied in this paper .

  8. 分析结果表明针对鲢、鳙肠含物这一特殊生境样品进行PCR-DGGE指纹分析是可行的。

    Results of the present study suggested that it is possible and useful to apply PCR-DGGE fingerprinting to studying the intestinal contents of filter-feeding fishes .

  9. EDTA-Na2能够抑制鳙肌原纤维蛋白TPPase活性。

    EDTA-Na_2 could inhibit activity of TPPase .

  10. 生物絮团的应用降低了鳙肠道Aeromonas分布量,从而降低了鳙因这类细菌大量存在而致病的风险。

    The bio-floc reduced the distribution of Aeromonas in bighead carp intestine , thereby effectively limited the disease risk of bighead carp because of the existence of large number of these bacteria .

  11. 草鱼群体表现出不同寻常的高多态性。(2)利用ISSR标记对鄱阳湖水系六水域草鱼、鲢、鳙进行遗传多样性分析,选用随机引物对信江四大家鱼群体进行扩增。

    The grass carp showed very high polymorphism which is unusual . ( 2 ) Using ISSR-PCR marker ( random primers ) to analyze the genetic diversity of grass carp , silver carp and bighead carp in six areas of Poyang Lake and its original rivers .

  12. 建议鲢、鳙投放密度控制在20g/m~3以内,鲢、鳙放养比例为1:3,以缩短养殖周期,提高经济效益,有利于改善云龙湖水质。

    It was suggested that the appropriate stocking density of silver carp and bighead carp was 20g / m ~ 3 and the ratio was 1:3 for the benefit of shortening the period of culture and raising the income and improving the water quality as well .

  13. 真空微波工艺条件对香脆鳙鱼片品质的影响

    Effect of Microwave-Vacuum on the Quality of Crisp Bighead Carp Slices

  14. 鲤鱼种和鲢鳙对池塘浮游生物的影响

    Impacts of carp fingerling and silver and bighead carp on pond plankton

  15. 鲢鳙对浮游动物群落结构的影响

    The influence of silver carp and Bighead on the zooplankton community structure

  16. 鲢、鳙溶血性腹水病研究

    STUDY ON THE HEMOLYTIC ASCITES DISEASE OF Hypophthalmichthys molitrix AND Aristichthys nobilis

  17. 草鱼、鲢、鳙秋繁及其对次年春繁的影响

    Autumn propagation of farm fishes and its effect on next spring propagation

  18. 不同群体鳙的生长性能与遗传分析

    Growth performance and genetic analysis of different populations of bighead

  19. 鲢、鳙的食性及其对藻类的消化利用

    The feeding habit of silver carp and bighead and their digestion of algae

  20. 鲢、鳙滤食器官结构与功能的研究

    The structure and function of the filtering apparatus of silver carp and Bighead Carp

  21. 鳙:56.7%、14.5只/尾和5.47%;

    Nobilis : 56.7 % , 14.5 larva mussels per host-fish and 5.47 % ;

  22. 鳙在不同保藏温度下的鲜度变化

    Change of freshness for bighead at different temperatures

  23. 化肥养鱼对鲢、鳙血液生化成分的影响

    The effect of chemical fertilizer on blood & biochemical components of silver and Bighead carps

  24. 鲢鳙对鱼粪消化利用的研究

    Study on the digestion and utilization of fish feces by silver carp and Bighead fingerlings

  25. 与鲢、鳙相比,匙吻鲟在生长和放养效益上具有明显优势。

    Compared with Bighead carp , the Paddlefish grows faster and has higher stocking efficiency .

  26. 鳙的线粒体基因组核苷酸全序列分析(英文)

    A Report of Complete Nucleotide Sequence of Mitochondrial Genome of Bighead carp ( Aristichthys nobilis )

  27. 主养鲢鳙非鲫高产池塘的能量转换效率

    Energy conversion rate of high-yielding ponds cultivated mainly with silver carp , bighead carp and tilapia

  28. 用天然饵料培育鲤、鲢、鳙、草鱼苗的研究

    A research on rearing of common carp , bighead carp and grass carp fry by natural food

  29. 来自大鳙山的婺水经金华(婺州)流进富春江。

    Wu water from Dayong Mountain flew through Jin Hua ( Wu State ) into Fuchun River .

  30. 增温水体对鲢、鳙的生长、血液及生理指标的影响

    Effects of Temperature-increasing Water on the Growth , Blood and Physiological Indices of Silver Carp and Bighead Carp