
  • 网络surimi;minced fish
  1. SPSS软件可以对鱼糜的介电特性进行有效预测。

    It was effective to apply SPSS to the prediction of surimi dielectric properties .

  2. TG酶制剂对鱼糜凝胶强度的影响

    Infection of Transglutaminase on surimi gel-strength

  3. 而在鱼糜自然pH下,添加黄原胶和魔芋胶会影响鲢鱼糜凝胶形成,降低其凝胶强度。

    However , gel strength would decrease when adding xanthan gum and konjac flour to surimi in natural pH.

  4. 还能抑制鱼糜中pH值、乳酸及不饱和脂肪酸的上升。

    And TP can also reduce pH , lactic acid and non saturated fatty acid of the flesh of fish .

  5. 冷冻鱼糜的HACCP管理

    HACCP Management of Freezing Surimi

  6. 电镜分析则表明SPI和KG的加入都可使鳙鱼鱼糜形成致密、均匀的凝胶网络结构。

    Scanning electron microscopy indicated the addition of SPI and KG could make bighead surimi form firm and uniform gel network .

  7. 因此,可将鲢鱼卵CPI用于抑制其自身鱼糜的凝胶软化。

    Silver carp egg CPIs could be applied to silver surimi to prevent the gel weakening .

  8. 鱼糜中加入0.25~0.50mg/g茶多酚,在5℃下保鲜效果明显,保鲜时间可达13天。

    The significant effect of its preservation was achieved , as long as 13 days , when the TP concentration was between 0.25 mg / g and 0.50 mg / g in the temperature of 5 ℃ .

  9. 此外,在冷藏过程中其鱼糜制品的JS,TS值随鱼糜含水量的增加而下降,而TN值则增加。

    The results showed that JS , TS valus decreased and TN valus increased with increasing water content of fish paste in cold storage procedures .

  10. 结果表明:(1)鲢、狭鳕鱼糜微波加热凝胶形成速度比传统水浴加热高两个数量级,不同鱼种的鱼糜微波加热凝胶形成速度有一定的差异性(P0.05)。

    The results indicated that , ( 1 ) their gel-forming rate during microwave heating was quicker than that heated by water-bath , and under microwave heating the gel-forming rate of different fish surimi was different .

  11. 可将细菌总数与TVB-N值、TBA值、总酸度相结合,作为鱼丸等鱼糜制品的质量卫生评价指标。

    TVB-N value , TBA value and total acid could be used as chemical indicators of decomposition with aerobic bacterial counts together .

  12. 应用L9(34)正交试验研究复合磷酸盐对鱼糜制品的保水效果。

    This thesis applied L9 ( 34 ) experiment design to study the water holding effects of mixed phosphates on surimi product .

  13. 当添加的明胶蛋白含量为鱼糜蛋白含量10%时,其破断强度和TPA硬度分别都可以提高20%和31%,同时也提高了鱼糜凝胶的保水性。

    The breaking force and hardness of surimi gels were increased by20 % and31 % respectively with the addition of the gelatin at10 % ( w / w ) of surimi protein .

  14. 用随机分形初步模拟静态鱼糜团聚结构,得出了可模拟静态鱼糜团聚结构的修正DLA模型。

    In this paper , random fractal was used to simulate static agglomerated structure of minced fish . The results showed that rectified DLA model was suitable .

  15. 但是淡水鱼糜的凝胶能力普遍较差,尤其是经过冷冻储藏之后,研究发现转谷氨酰胺酶(Transglutaminase,简称TGase)可以提高鱼糜的凝胶强度。

    However the gelation of freshwater surimi is generally poor , especially after frozen storage . It has been found that transglutaminase can enhance surimi gel strength .

  16. 本研究探讨了谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG)对草鱼鱼糜品质的影响,研究了TG的添加量、作用时间、作用温度和作用pH对鱼糜弹性、粘聚性、回复性以及白度的影响。

    The transglutaminase ( TG ) was added in the grass carp surimi to improve the quality . The effect of transglutaminase quantity , handling time , handling temperature and pH on springiness , cohesiveness , resilience and white degrees was researched .

  17. 因此,寻找一种天然有效的MBSP抑制剂来防止鱼糜的凝胶劣化,成为目前鱼糜加工技术的另一方向。

    Therefore , the search for a natural inhibitor to MBSP become another direction in the studies of surimi processing .

  18. 通过检测鱼糜凝胶的质构及微观结构,研究了鸡蛋清蛋白和谷朊粉两种蛋白类添加剂对鳙鱼鱼糜凝胶特性的影响,并采用SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)对相关作用机理进行分析。

    The effects of two protein additives , namely , egg white powder and wheat gluten , on the gel properties of bighead surimi were investigated by testing the texture and microstructure of the surimi gels . SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( SDS-PAGE ) was used to investigate the corresponding mechanism .

  19. 试验结果表明:TG对草鱼鱼糜的品质有显著的改善作用,最适当作用条件为pH7.5,温度45℃,时间1.5h,酶的作用量0.6%。

    The result showed that TG can improve the quality of grass carp surimi distinctly . The appropriate adding condition of TG confirmed by orthogonal test was transglutaminase adding quantity 0.6 % , handling time 1.5h , temperature 45 ℃ and pH7.5 .

  20. 发酵鱼糜热力学研究表明肌球蛋白的热变性温度和热焓随着发酵时间的增加而逐渐增加,发酵48h热变性温度增加了3.28℃,热焓增加了0.176J/g。

    The thermal denaturation temperature and enthalpy of myosin gradually increased with the fermentation time . During fermentation 48 h , thermal denaturation temperature and enthalpy increased 3.28 ° C and 0.176J/g than the fresh muscle , respectively .

  21. 冻藏还导致2种鱼糜蛋白凝胶性能的下降,冻藏63d后,罗非鱼鱼糜和鳙鱼鱼糜的凝胶强度依次降低了65.1%和62.3%。

    Frozen storage also induced the deterioration of gel-forming ability of both surimi . The strength of tilapia and bighead surimi gels decreased by 65.1 % and 62.3 % respectively after 63 days storage at - 18 ℃ .

  22. 鱼丸、鱼饼、鱼糜生产线;

    Fish Ball , Fish Pancake and Fish Caviar Production Line ;

  23. 漂洗水温对淡水鱼鱼糜蛋白质热变性的影响

    Effect of rinsing temperature on thermostability of freshwater fish surimi protein

  24. 从鱼糜下脚料中提取鱼油的研究

    Study on extraction of fish oil from wastes of fish surimi

  25. 复合磷酸盐对鱼糜制品的保水效果研究

    Study on Water Holding Effects of Mixed Phosphates on Surimi Product

  26. 淀粉对竹荚鱼鱼糜流变性质和凝胶特性的影响

    Effects of starch on rheological and gel properties of horse-mackerel surimi

  27. 鱼糜漂洗液中水溶性蛋白质的回收与利用

    Recovery and utilization of water soluble fish protein from surimi washings

  28. 用三氯化铁回收鱼糜漂洗液中的水溶性蛋白

    Recovery of Proteins from Washings of Surimi by Ferric Chloride Flocculation

  29. 鱼糜制品弹性与鱼肉凝胶特性研究进展

    A Review : Surimi Product Elasticity and Fish Flesh Gel Characteristics

  30. 茶多酚对淡水鱼糜脂类及蛋白质的影响

    Effect of tea polyphenol on lipid and protein of freshwater surimi