
  1. 随著空气和海洋的温度上升,鱼获减少,质量亦变差,农民的收入愈来愈少。

    With the warmer temperatures , of both air and sea , the fish are fewer and smaller , and people 's income less and less .

  2. 阐述了远洋鱿鱼钓船总布置的基本原则及其特征,同时根据远洋鱿鱼钓船捕捞作业的特点,介绍了总布置的形式和加工鱼获的有关设备布置及流程。

    According to the operating chracteristics of jigger , the general form is also presented . At the end fish processing procedures and equipment arrangement are introduced .

  3. 在很多地方法规有很大的变化,这些新法规有在不同季节有新的鱼获数量有新的规定。这些新规定主要是为了保护资源让我们的子孙也能享受。

    In many parts of the province , the rules have changes significantly , with new seasons and catch limits designed to protect our fisheries for future generations of citizens to enjoy .

  4. 鱼获的尾数和鲜重都是夏季>秋季>冬季>春季,平均为75466尾/网和39.38千克/网。

    The individual number and fresh weight of the collections were in the order of Summer > Autumn > Winter > Spring , with a mean of 75 466 ind / net and 39 38 kg / net .

  5. 最后设计加工了多关节仿生机器鱼原型与获能测试关节模型。(二)机器鱼能源自给系统的理论研究。

    And at last , we present a prototype of the multi-joint robot fish . ( 2 ) The theoretical research of the robot fish energy self-sufficient system .

  6. 中山人工鱼礁区渔获物调查

    A survey on catch in artificial reef area of Zhongshan City

  7. 小黄鱼体长年龄换算组成表明其一龄鱼已占渔获的93.4%。

    And the one age group accounts for93.41 % after the calculation from body length to age group .

  8. 1984&1986三年中一龄鱼分别占渔获物的14.8%,53.3%。和16.2%(重量比例)。

    From 1984 to 1986 proportions of 1-year-olds made up 14.8 , 53.3 to 16.2 per cent of the total catches of filefish , respectively .