
  1. 你疯了吗你会把鬼都吵醒的

    Are you crazy ? You 'll wake up all the ghosts .

  2. 今天特别多,难不成这整船的人都给鬼都叼去了?

    Is specially many today , difficult don 't become this whole persons of ships all to the ghosts all did the Diao go ?

  3. 她鬼故事都是垃圾。

    She says all this stuff about ghosts is rubbish .

  4. 鬼成日都系电视来我地屋企噶!

    Dad : The Ghost usually from TV come to our house .

  5. 我想并非所有的鬼故事都是假的。

    I guess not all ghost stories are false .

  6. 吝啬鬼们都很自私,而且不仅仅是在圣诞或节日期间。

    Scrooges are selfish , and not just at Christmas time or the holidays .

  7. 胆小鬼什么都怕。

    Cowards are afraid of everything .

  8. 我来这儿三个月了还什么鬼东西都没见过

    i 've Been Here For 3 Months . I Haven 't Seen A Damn Thing .

  9. 据司机们的描述,所有的鬼乘客都是些年轻人,因此工藤优花认为,他们确实是2011年的海啸遇难者。

    All these phantom travelers were described to be young , which compels Kudo to believe that they were indeed victims of the 2011 tsunami .

  10. 一次当风流鬼,永远都是风流鬼。

    A is the flirtatious ghost , always they are flirtatious ghosts .

  11. 你个下贱鬼,什么都想买。

    You 're a whore . you 'll buy anything , siut .

  12. 在那鬼地方我们都崇拜你。

    To all of us back in that shithole .

  13. 地方过盗窃案或者凶杀案,地方闹过鬼,我都知道。

    I knew every spot where a murder or robbery had been committed or a ghost seen .

  14. adj.难以置信的有些古老的迷信对大部分受过教育的人来说,是难以置信的。adj.不信的现在的人们对鬼和巫婆都不相信了。

    incredible Some old superstitions seem incredible to most educated people incredulous People now days are incredulous about ghosts and witches .

  15. 他真是个胆小鬼,一直都是的就是个该死的胆小鬼就是太害怕了你不介意这个吧?

    He 's such a fuckin ' chickenshit . Always was . Just a fuckin'chickenshit . Just too scared.Is this bothering you ?

  16. 便去另带了七个比自己更恶的鬼来,都进去住在那里。

    Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself , and they go in and live there .

  17. 我看到这个,心里想的是,“什么鬼?火花都去哪了?那个触底得分,被队友高高抬起的家伙哪里去了?”

    I look at this , and I 'm like , " What the hell ? Where 's the sparkle ? Where 's the guy that scored the winning touchdown and was carried off by his team ? "

  18. 你不说清你的鬼主意我们哪都不去。

    We 're not going anywhere until you spill your guts .

  19. 这个贪鬼他以为什么都能买到8基尼

    Greedy sod . Thinks he can just buy anybody . Eight !

  20. 中国和英国有关鬼的文学作品都十分丰富。

    For example , literary works on ghost abound in China and Britain .

  21. 你们鬼扯什么?都跟塔克一样中邪了?

    What are you on about , spaz ? Been eating mushrooms with terkel ?

  22. 鬼见了我都不当道。

    Ghosts met I do not hold sway .

  23. 无论在中国还是在国外,鬼之类的东西都常常被谈论。

    No matter in China or in other foreign countries , ghost is constantly being talked about .

  24. 那个吝啬鬼连一美元都不会借给你,更不用说是一千美元了。

    The miser won 't even lend you one dollar , not to speak of US $ 1,000 .

  25. 近年来我国为了发展旅游业,兴建了许多形式雷同的人造景观、主题公园和仿古建筑,甚至还搞“鬼宫”、“鬼都”。

    In the course of developing tourism in our country , numerous artificial landscapes , theme - parks and imitations of ancient buildings with identical forms have been built in the past few years , even some " ghost palaces " ," spirit cities " .

  26. 这不是鬼故事,却比世上任何鬼故事都离奇可怖。

    This isn 't a ghost story , but is more bizarre and terrifying than any ghost story in the world .

  27. 而现代一部分日本人之所以喜欢鬼,大概是因为在现代日本许多地方的节日中,鬼都起到赐福于人,监督督促人们行为的作用。

    The reason why some Japanese like ghosts is probably because the ghost plays the role of blessing and supervising people in many local festivals in Japan .

  28. 到了晚上,有人带着许多被鬼附的,来到耶稣跟前,他只用一句话,就把鬼都赶出去。并且治好了一切有病的人。

    And in the evening , they took to him a number of people who had evil spirits ; and he sent the spirits out of them with a word , and made well all who were ill ;