
  1. 持有银行和新兴市场公司股票的高风险基金遭遇滑铁卢,而专注于公用事业、医疗保健和必需消费品行业的普通掉期交易保守投资组合却大放异彩。

    Riskier funds that owned shares of banks and emerging-markets companies got crushed , while safe , plain-vanilla portfolios focusing on utilities , health care , and consumer staples shone .

  2. 现在,全国各地将设立高风险基金,所以,原本患病的人可以通过这些基金获得保险,获得补助。

    They 're going to set up these high risk insurance pools around the country so that people who have some sort of pre-existing illness can get insurance through those pools and those are going to be d.

  3. 威廉姆斯说,安然表面上是一家业务多元化的能源企业,其实是一只高风险的对冲基金。

    Enron was a high risk hedge fund disguised as a diversified energy company .

  4. 投资共同基金要选那些有高回报的可控风险基金。它们的特点就是风险低,市场表现常常优于其他同类产品。

    Invest in mutual funds that have high risk-adjusted returns ; they typically have a low beta and tend to perform better than other funds in the same category .

  5. 一方面,股票市场的高标准要求、风险基金的高成长要求,使得中小企业融资只能求助于银行业;

    On the one hand , the high standard requirement of stock market and high growth requirement of venture capital leave SMEs no choice but to resort to the banking industry ;