
  • 网络higher vocational college;higher vocational technology college
  1. 高等职业技术学院管理的新趋势

    The New Trend of Management of Higher Vocational College

  2. 高等职业技术学院心理健康教育课程开发及教学效果研究广东省高等职业技术教育三十年历程

    Analysis on Survey the Psychological Obstacles of Students in Higher Vocational College ; The Development Course of Three Decades about the Higher Vocational and Technical Education in Guangdong Province

  3. 方法对青海高等职业技术学院385名学生采用24h膳食回顾法连续3d跟踪调查,计算学生每人每日营养素摄入量,并与推荐摄入量比较。

    Methods By adopting the 3 days ' successive survey of 24h retrospective method , 385 students ' daily intakes were calculated and compared with the dietary reference intakes ( DRIs ) .

  4. 青海高等职业技术学院学生膳食营养状况

    Dietary Nutrition Status of Students in Qinghai Professional Technical College

  5. 高等职业技术学院大学生自我和谐及其与应对方式的关系

    Relationship of self-consistency and congruence with coping style of vocational college students

  6. 高等职业技术学院行政管理工作的思考

    On Administrative Management Work in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges

  7. 高等职业技术学院数字图书馆建设的现状与举措

    Discussion on the Construction of Digital Library in Polytechnic Institutions

  8. 关于浙江省高等职业技术学院师资队伍建设的思考与分析

    The Construction of Normal Resources in Zhejiang Higer Vocational College

  9. 吴江高等职业技术学院报告厅声学设计

    Acoustical Design for the Report Hall of NUPT Wujiang Vocational Technology College

  10. 高等职业技术学院档案管理工作浅见

    A Superficial Understanding on the Management of Files at High Polytechnic Institutes

  11. 高等职业技术学院核心竞争力初探

    Preliminary Research on Core Competitive of Higher Technology and Vocational Education College

  12. 我国高等职业技术学院大学生心理健康教育探索

    China 's Higher Vocational Technical College Students Mental Health Education

  13. 略论高等职业技术学院学生的人文素养教育

    On the Students ' Humanity Cultivated Education of Higher Vocational & Technical College

  14. 协同发展观念下的广东高等职业技术学院校园规划设计研究

    The Study on Synergetics Development and Design of Guangdong Vocational and Technical College

  15. 深圳高等职业技术学院图书馆自动化集成系统的特点和存在的一些问题

    The Features and Some Existing Problems of Automation Integrated System of Shenzhen Polytechnic Library

  16. 高等职业技术学院健康教育课程体系的构建与实施

    The structure and implementation of course of health education in higher vocational technical college

  17. 试论高等职业技术学院图书馆的发展

    On the Development of Library in Technical Colleges

  18. 高等职业技术学院学生管理法治化问题研究

    On the Law System Problems of Students ' Management in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges

  19. 论新时期高等职业技术学院图书馆工作改革与发展

    Reform and Development of the Library Management in Senior Vocational Colleges in the New Period

  20. 网络时代高等职业技术学院图书馆的信息服务策略

    On Information Service Tactics for Libraries of Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges in Internet Age

  21. 高等职业技术学院图书馆与大学生素质教育

    The Library in a Vocational College and the Integrated Quality Education for College Students ′ I

  22. 高等职业技术学院的“立身之本”在于自身的教育质量和办学特色。

    The fundamental functions of higher vocational institutes are closely connected with their teaching-quality and featured management .

  23. 其后在短短的不到十年的时间里,全国先后建立了一千多所高等职业技术学院。

    In less than ten years , China established more than one thousand colleges of vocational education successively .

  24. 高等职业技术学院(以下简称高职)的目标是为社会培养应用型人才。

    The goal of Vocational College ( called VC below ) is to develop practical talents for the society .

  25. 高等职业技术学院试办高水平运动队会给学院注入了新的活力。

    Higher vocational technology college injects fresh energy to the school 's development by organizing the high level sports team .

  26. 特别是对于高等职业技术学院来说,要培养复合型人才,电子校务的建设就显得更加重要。

    Especially for higher vocational technical colleges , the need to train personnel compound , e-school building has become more important .

  27. 英国多科技术学院变迁的案例能给今天中国高等职业技术学院的定位与发展提供一个值得深思与探究的参考维度。

    The case of British can offer a new approach to defining the roles of higher vocational colleges and their further development .

  28. 高等职业技术学院与普通高校的学生思想政治教育比较研究

    On the Comparative Study of the Ideological and Political Education of Students of the Highly Occupational and Technological College and the Common University

  29. 高职教育应将素质教育放在首位,加强教师的职业技术能力的培养。高等职业技术学院学生词汇能力的研究

    Higher vocational education should pay attention to the quality teaching and market economy . A Study of Lexical Competence of High Vocational College Students

  30. 目的了解高等职业技术学院学生膳食营养状况,为开展营养指导工作提供依据。

    Objective To explore dietary nutrition status of students in Qinghai Professional Technical College , and to provide bases for the guidance on nutrition .