
  • 网络counselor
  1. Excel规划求解在高校辅导员工作中的应用

    Application of Excel Solver in the Work of College Counselor

  2. 无须讳言,高校辅导员岗位本身也存在一些问题。

    However , there are many problems of counselor post itself .

  3. 本文基于胜任力理论,对XX高校辅导员现状进行研究,构建胜任力模型,并将胜任力模型应用于该高校辅导员的聘任、培训和激励。

    This thesis studies the recent situation of certain college counselors to build Competence-based model by using Competence-based theory .

  4. 新时期高校辅导员队伍建设问题研究

    The Study on College Counselors Team Building in the Modern Time

  5. 以人为本视域下高校辅导员非权力影响力探析

    Study of college counselors ' natural influence in view of people-oriented

  6. 成人高校辅导员工作方法初探

    Research on the Instructors ' Working Method in Adults Education Institute

  7. 对提高高校辅导员政治素质的思考

    Pondering on Ways to Improving the Political Quality of College Instructors

  8. 论高校辅导员在大学生就业工作中的作用

    On the Role of University Counselor in Employment of College Students

  9. 高校辅导员培训的职业化与校本特征

    The Professionalization and School-based Characteristics of the University Counselors ' Training

  10. 高校辅导员队伍建设的激励管理思考

    On Incentive Management of Building a College Political Instructor 's Team

  11. 试论高校辅导员队伍中的庸才沉淀现象

    On the " Mediocrity Precipitation " Phenomenon of College Student Counselor-Teams

  12. 高校辅导员应成为大学生的导师

    Political Instructors in Colleges and Universities Should Be Supervisors of Students

  13. 探求高校辅导员工作新突破

    Find New Breakthrough for the Work of Instructors in Universities

  14. 新时期高校辅导员专业化探析

    The Professional Trend of College Assistants in the New Era

  15. 论新时期高校辅导员的自我角色认识

    On Recognition of Self-Role of University Counselors in New Era

  16. 目的本文采用自编问卷对高校辅导员胜任力进行了调查,以了解大学辅导员胜任力现状。

    Objective To know the current situation of competence of university counselors .

  17. 高校辅导员幸福感与工作倦怠的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Counselors ' Subjective Well-being and Job Burnout

  18. 高校辅导员职业化&基于组织和个体视角的分析

    Professionalism of University Instructors & Analysis Based on Organization and Individual Angle

  19. 高校辅导员在大学生突发事件中的角色意识

    The Role-awareness of College Instructors in University Students ' Emergencies

  20. 高校辅导员队伍继续教育专门化探究

    Probe into the Specialization of College Counselors ' Continuing Education

  21. 高校辅导员职业指导能力的构成及其提升策略

    A Constituent and Upgrading Tactic of Career Guidance Ability of University Instructors

  22. 基于双因素理论谈高校辅导员的管理

    The Management of Counselors in HEIs Based on Two-factor Theory

  23. 浅析高校辅导员队伍人力资源管理的创新

    On the Innovation of Human Resource Management for College Counselors

  24. 加强高校辅导员队伍自身的理想信念教育

    On Strengthening College Advisors ' Own Ideal and Faith Education

  25. 论大学生辅导员工作高校辅导员素质刍议

    On College Students ' Political Instructors On the Quality of University Instructors

  26. 高校辅导员在学风建设中的作用探讨

    The Role of Colleage Student Guiders in Building Study Atmosphere

  27. 提出影响高校辅导员队伍建设政策规范化的要素。

    Proposed elements of standardization policies affecting instructors in colleges and universities .

  28. 论高校辅导员心理素质培养

    How to Cultivate the College Tutors ' Psychological Quality

  29. 浅论新时期高校辅导员的职业素质要求

    On Professional Qualities of University Tutors of Political Science

  30. 试论高校辅导员职业生涯规划的组织规划

    On Organizational Planning of College Counselor 's Career Planning