
  • 网络HD Player
  1. 在国家的大力支持下,武汉光电国家实验室开发了具有完全自主知识产权的红光高清播放机NVD(Next-GenerationDisc),以对抗国外蓝光技术对高清市场的垄断。

    Under the support of the nation , The Next-Generation Disc with full intellectual property rights was developed by Wuhan National Lab of Optoelectronics , in order to challenge the Blue-Ray monopoly position abroad .

  2. 测试结果表明,该数据采集系统可以正确对红光高清光盘播放机的光学头RF读出信号进行数据采集和存储,能够满足红光高清光盘信道检测技术进一步研究的要求。

    The test result shows the data acquisition system can sample the RF signal and store the data correctly , and the system can meet the requirements for further study about the Next-Generation Versatile Disc channel detection .

  3. 另外,出于更好地满足人们生活的需要以及更合理的版权保护考虑,NVD高清视盘播放机的商业模式正在转变。

    Additionally , in order to meet the needs of people life more and to have a more rational of copyright protection than what is now , NVD high-definition disc player should change its business model .

  4. 它能够使本地局域网中的PC机将共享目录提供给NVD高清视盘播放机,这样NVD高清视盘播放机就能够读取本地PC机目录中的符合格式要求的节目,并让用户播放自己感兴趣的音视频节目。

    It will provide the shared directory of local LAN PC for NVD players , then NVD players will be able to read the directory from the local PC , which allows users to play their own favourite video programs accordance with their needs .

  5. 嵌入式高清媒体播放机的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of an Embedded High-definition Media Player