
  • Gaoqiao;【体】high bridge
  1. 钢油罐基础(CAD)软件开发工作是由上海高桥石油化工设计院负责完成的。

    Storage tank foundation computer aided design sysetem ( STCAD ) is developed by Shanghai Gao-Qiao Petro-Chemical Designing Institute SINOPEC .

  2. 高桥:我用G笔勾线,纸用的是一般零售店里卖的那种。上色的时候我用水彩和麦克笔。

    TAKAHASHI : I use " G-pens " for inking . I use paper from general retail stores . For coloring , I use water-color and markers .

  3. 由于高桥资本管理公司的欧洲团队离开了,所以我把目光投向欧洲特别情况基金(EuropeanSpecialSituations),就这样,我认识了Brahman的创办合伙人。

    Brahman . The European team at Highbridge left so I started looking at European Special Situations . That 's how I met the founding partners at Brahman .

  4. 介绍了HL增液剂在中国石化上海高桥炼油厂催化裂化装置上的使用情况。

    HL liquid-increasing agent was applied in the FCC unit of refining plant , SINOPEC Shanghai Gaoqiao Company .

  5. 后来在一次投资者会议上,戈登伯格提出的问题给BrahmanCapital的管理层留下了深刻印象,于是他们从高桥资本管理公司那里挖走了戈登伯格。

    Brahman Capital 's management team was so impressed with Goldenberg 's questions during an investor meeting , that they recruited her away from Highbridge .

  6. 在摩根士丹利只干了不到两年,戈登伯格就被对冲基金行业相中,加盟了高桥资本管理公司(HighbridgeCapitalManagement),成为转投对冲基金行业的第一批年轻投资银行家之一。

    Less than two years into her stint at Morgan Stanley , Goldenberg was one of the first young investment bankers to be picked off by the hedge fund industry .

  7. 高桥不仅仅是富裕了它的客户,它还帮助JP摩根反思自身的投资策略。

    But more than enrich its clients , Highbridge has helped JPMorgan think about its own investment strategies .

  8. 随着政策辩论愈演愈烈,投资者可能会想到在1911年至1913年担任日本央行(bankofjapan)行长的高桥是清(takahashikorekiyo)。

    As the policy debate intensifies , investors might spare a thought for Takahashi korekiyo , Bank of Japan governor from 1911 to 1913 .

  9. 介绍了以上海外高桥电厂3号机为试验对象的国产300MW引进型机组的全面的经济性能的试验研究情况。

    An overall economic performance test of No.

  10. 本文根据中国石化集团公司的文件要求,结合上海高桥石化股份公司的实例,探讨了炼油、化工企业的UPS配电系统的最佳方案。

    According to the regulations of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation , the best design of the ups distribution system for Oil refinery and chemical plant of the Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited is outlined in the paper .

  11. 简述了AS-I总线系统,包括AS-I总线系统的主控机和网关、特性、主要安装特点等,并介绍了AS-I总线在高桥BASF丁苯胶乳工程中的应用情况。

    Brief introduction of the AS-I bus , including the master controller , gateway , character , installation etc. and application in Gaoqiao BASF XSB project .

  12. 对外高桥港区集装箱码头工程CCTV系统设计时必须考虑其先进性、实用性、可扩展性、灵活性、实时性和可靠性,以满足港区昼夜开机运行的需要。

    In design of CCTV system of Waigaoqiao Port Area container terminal , we adhere to the design principle of considering the advancement , practicality , expandability , flexibility , real-time characteristics and dependability , etc. , to satisfy the demand of round-the-clock operation of port .

  13. 我对欧洲较为了解,而且我会说法语和意大利语,所以Brahman公司把我从高桥资本挖走,他们对我说:“去投资欧洲的公司吧。”然后就有了后来的故事。

    I knew Europe reasonably well and spoke French and Italian . So when Brahman hired me from Highbridge , they said , " Go invest in Europe . " That was really the beginning .

  14. 天文潮是一个重要作用因子,在三个台风期间单独作用下高桥站潮差最大有3.5m~4m,而流速有约1.5m/s。

    Astronomical tide is a significant factor . Under single effect of it , the maximum tidal range is about 3.5m to 4m during three typhoons , while the flow velocity is about 1.5m/s for the maximum .

  15. 在Iitate,两个孩子的母亲米若丽高桥说“只相信一半医生的话”并且表示她绝对不想将孩子们带回来。

    In Iitate , Mihori Takahashi , a mother of two ," believes only half of what the doctors say " and says she never wants to bring her children back .

  16. 高原寒冷地区高桥墩冬季施工技术

    Winter Construction Technique of High Bridge Pier in the Cold Highland

  17. 日照辐射对高桥墩施工的影响

    Analyses of Influence of Solar Radiation upon Construction of High Piers

  18. 高桥墩几何非线性分析的能量法

    Energy Method for the Geometric Non-linear Analysis of Higher Bridge Piers

  19. 钢筋埋渣压力焊在高桥墩上的应用

    The Application of Embedded Reinforcement Slag Pressure Welding to High Pier

  20. 一场高桥跳水在科索沃举行,引来大量围观。

    And a high dive competition drew large crowds in Kosovo .

  21. 高桥墩滑模施工的监测和纠偏

    The Measurement and Correcting an Error of High Bridge Pier Slipform Construction

  22. 在一些特殊地形,高桥墩成为不可避免。

    In some special terrain , the high pier bridges become indispensable .

  23. 薄壁高桥墩两个工作性能指标的计算与分析

    Analysis and Calculation of Two Operational Indexes of Thin Higher Bridge Piers

  24. 高桥电站建设与昭通地方电力发展

    Construction of Gaoqiao Hydropower Station and the Electric Development in Zhaotong Prefecture

  25. 设置板式橡胶支座的高桥墩之非线性分析

    A Nonlinear Analysis of the High Pier with Support of Rubber Plate

  26. 高桥墩设计计算中的两个问题

    Two problems in design and calculation of higher bridge piers

  27. 长江口外高桥六期码头港池泥沙回淤分析

    Sediment siltation at Waigaoqiao Phase VI harbor basin of the Yangtze Estuary

  28. 高桥墩风洞试验模型的设计及制作

    Design and Fabrication of High Pier Wind Tunnel Test Model

  29. 滑模工艺在高桥墩施工中的应用

    The application of slip-form technology in high bride pier construction

  30. 建设具有独特风格的河道绿化景观&谈浦东高桥港的景观绿化设计

    Building Characteristic Watercourse Landscape A Thesis about the Landscape Design Gaoqiao Port